Spin at the Nanoscale: Material Synthesis and Fundamental Physics Min Ouyang, University of Maryland – College Park, DMR In the FY08, we continued our efforts on developing different chemical based synthetic methodologies for preparing well controlled low dimensional condensed matter systems that can be applied as model systems for exploring spin and charge interactions at the nanoscale. One example was shown in the top right figure. We have developed a novel constant current based anodization technique to fabricate and control structure of AAO templates that offers ideal growth of one dimensional nanostructures. Enabled by our new technique we were able to tune the nanopore with long- range self-ordered hexagonal pattern continuously over a broad range (up to 80nm), which should provide tremendous opportunity for observing quantum confinement effect and dimensional crossover effect with structures prepared from such template. Another significant result achieved in this fiscal year was to manipulate spin dynamics of quantum dots by high pressure technique. High pressure represents a very unique technique to tune the lattice constant as well as the spin orbit interaction that can not be available by other techniques. We have developed a new experimental method combining optical spin measurements with diamond anvil cell to probe the spin under the extreme condition. Bottom right figure highlights one typical spin coherence dynamics of semiconductor quantum dots (inset image) under 1GPa. Our studies might also provide important insights on the mystery transition path of quantum dots under extreme condition.
Spin at the Nanoscale: Material Synthesis and Fundamental Physics Min Ouyang, University of Maryland – College Park, DMR Broader Impacts: As an important component of this NSF CAREER award we are actively involved in various outreach programs (partially connected with NSF MRSEC program) as well as undergraduate course development. Several activities in the FY08 were highlighted as follows: My graduate students (supported from this award) and I have actively participated in different K-12 outreach programs, including student science conference. We have worked with two middle school students to help prepare annual Student Science Conference at AIP and to train their presentation skills. This program draws students from diverse background and has gained very high recognition in In the Spring semester 2008 I opened a new course entitled “Physics, Materials Chemistry and Device Applications at the Nanoscale” for senior undergraduate students. This course was crosslisted in different departments and colleges, and the course was registered full shortly by students with diverse academic background. This is the first course in the university of Maryland integrating lecture and bench-top nanoscale experiments. the community schools. Left figure highlights my interaction with one middle school student, Alex Cammen, working on his presentation for this year’s Student Science Conference. We also supervised summer REU students to help undergraduates selected from different universities to get involved in real scientific research programs.