Louisiana’s Online Professional Development Network ETLO/SREB Institute January 7, 2005 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Nicole Honoré and Ken Bradford Louisiana Department of Education Louisiana Center for Educational Technology
Our Journey……. Past Present Future
Statewide Initiatives Teacher Assistance and Assessment Program
Louisiana Virtual School 2500 student course enrollments, 30 course titles, 40 Louisiana teachers adjunct/full time An Algebra I online component provides students with certified Algebra instructor and high quality Algebra I curriculum. Professional Development opportunities Topics for Algebra Leaders and Instructors (TALI) “Design and Delivery” courses via Concord, UCLA, and EDC Other topics such as Blackboard tools, Flash animation, Digital copyright. Required three-day f2f PD workshops each summer
Successes and Challenges Face-to Face vs. Online Supply and Demand Program Design Quality Teaching Collaboration Funding
Contact Information Nicole Honore, Assistant Director Leadership and Online Learning Ken Bradford LVS Coordinator Visit the Department’s website at