Dear Principal How can you increase student achievement?
Today’s Debate O Are credentialed media specialists necessary? O What impact does the school library media center have on student achievement?
How does my media center affect student achievement? O Strong library media programs staffed with credentialed media specialists can make a difference in the way students perform on standardized tests. Based on the studies of Keith C. Lance and Dr. James C. Baughman, Ph.D.
What does the research say? o Studies conducted by Keith Lance concluded that school library media centers staffed by certified librarians tend to score higher on state tests. o “We found that students at schools that gained or maintained an endorsed librarian to manage the library program averaged higher reading scores and higher increases in those scores over time than students at schools whose library programs were run by either non-endorsed librarians or library assistants.
O Dr. James Baughman, PhD. found in his study that, “At all grade levels, students scored higher on the [MCAS] tests when: O there was a library program at the school O there was a higher per pupil book count O there was increased student use of the library O there were larger per pupil expenditures for library materials O the library was open for more hours O there was a library instructional program”
School Library Media Programs Increase… O Student Achievement when: O Access to the school library catalog is available via networked computers O The library collection is up-to-date and appropriately sized for the student population O Access to the library is available to students and teachers many times a week O Literacy instruction is provided through collaboration with media specialists and teachers
School Libraries affect test scores regardless of O Community O Socio-economic O Lack of support O School Demographics O Free/reduced lunch O High student- teacher ratio O Teacher experience
Other Important Findings O School libraries are fundamental in increasing reading scores on standardized tests. O Results of a School Match study that compared school expenditures and student achievement stated that “Of all the expenditures that influence a schools effectiveness – including those for facilities, teachers, guidance services, and others –the level of expenditures for library and media services has the highest correlation with student achievement”.
How can YOU affect change? O Studies prove that an effective partnership between the school library media specialist and the principal ensures student success. O Across all grade levels, schools performed better when their principals valued “collaboration between LMSs and teachers in the design and delivery of instruction” and when LMSs served on key school committees (e.g., Leadership/School Improvement Teams).
Leadership Role of the SLMS O Seeks ways to be involved in all aspects of the school O Creates partnerships with administration and key stakeholders O Promotes the media center at all times (inside and outside the school) O Serves on curriculum/standards committees when possible O Meets regularly with teachers to plan instructional activities According to Lance and Loerstsher (2001), “Library media specialists are more likely to be leaders in their schools if they: Have the ear and support of the administration, serve with other teachers as members of important committees, meet regularly with their own staff.”
Together, we can increase student and teacher awareness of the media center and the media specialists’ roles in raising student test scores. Let’s work together to build a library media program that works hard collaboratively with all important stakeholders to build the highest performing school in the county.
Resources O Baughman, J. C. (2000). MCAS and School Libraries. Retrieved February 14, 2013 from: libraries/Baughman%20Paper.pdf libraries/Baughman%20Paper.pdf O Lance, K.C., & Hofschire, L. (2011, September 1). Something to shout about: New research shows that more librarians mean higher reading scores. School Library Journal, 57, Retrieved Feb. 18, 2013 from : 312/something_to_shout_about_new.html.csp 312/something_to_shout_about_new.html.csp O Lance, K. (N.D.) The Importance of School Libraries; Denver, CO: Colorado State Library, Library Research. Retrieved February 18, 2013 from: O Lance, K., & Hofschire, L. (2012). Change in School Librarian Staffing Linked with Change in CSAP Reading Performance, 2005 to Denver, CO: Colorado State Library, Library Research Service. Retrieved February 18, 2013 from: O Lance, K., Marcia Rodney, Becky Russel. (2007). The Indiana Study—How Students, Teachers, and Principals Benefit from Strong School Libraries. RSL Research Group. Retrieved February 18, 2013 from: