First Stars and Reionization Andrea Ferrara SISSA/International School for Advanced Studies Trieste, Italy Five Answers for Five Questions
Where did the first stars form ? First Question
Where did the first stars form ? Minimum Mass for Collapse ( t cool = t H ) Minimum Mass to Cool via H Lyα line inimum Mass for Self-Shielding H 2 and the Radiative Feedback Ciardi etal 2000
Cooling/Star formation Efficiency z = 9 Madau, AF & Rees 2001 f b = M b (r < r cool ) M b (r < r vir ) Where did the first stars form ?
Were the first stars very massive ? Second Question
Infall Rate: 0.01 M o /yr Envelope: 10 3 M o Core:10 -2 M o
Salvaterra & AF 2002; Salvaterra & AF 2002; Best fit model to NIR data: z end = 8.8 f = 4% IR Background Data Points Pop III stars can explain observed NIRB excess if VMS dominate IMF ~ (1+z end ) λ Lyα PopIII Stars Were the first stars very massive ? Magliocchetti, Salvaterra & AF 2003 Magliocchetti, Salvaterra & AF 2003
When did the transition to normal stars occur? Third Question
Schneider, AF, Natarajan, Omukai 2002 Critical Metallicity for IMF Transition: Z O Z O When did the transition to normal stars occur ?
Which stars did ionize the universe ? Fourth Question
z = 17 NIRB Fitting Evolution Which stars did ionize the universe ?
Ciardi, AF & White 2003 Reionization after WMAP A Conservative Model: No “exotica” G Maximum H 2 /UV feedback: no stars in minihalos G Smallest star-forming halos M = 5×10 8 M O G Moderately heavy IMF: Larson, M c = 5 M O G No Very Massive Stars, but metal-free G Maximum Escape Fraction, f esc = 20% Which stars did ionize the universe ?
Ciardi, AF & White 2003 Reionization after WMAP z = 17.6 z=15.5 z=13.7 Larson IMF Salpeter IMF Which stars did ionize the universe ?
Light from First Galaxies Optical Depth Evolution Reconciling with GP-effect requires a subsequent drop of the ionizing power No contribution to optical depth in 6 <z < 9: still within WMAP error box Double Reionization ? L20
Where should we look for the first stars ? Fifth Question
n H T Z Z III z = 50 z = 20 z = 8 z = 5 z = 4 z = 3
Bruscoli etal 2003 The z 3: a Closer View Temperature Metallicity Z > Z cr Z 0 Where should we look for the first stars ?
Scannapieco, Schneider & AF 2003 Scannapieco, Schneider & AF 2003 Lyα Detection Probability E g Kinetic Energy / Baryon Mass into Stars E g Feedback Parameter 1% 3% 10% Where should we look for the first stars ?
Summary 1. Where did the first stars form ? In Lya-cooled haloes 2. Were the first stars very massive ? Very likely, yes 3. Which stars did ionize the universe ? Normal stars, although extra contribution from massive ones 4. When did the transition to normal stars occur? Whenever/Wherever Z ~ Z O 5. Where should we look for the first stars ? Try hard with Lya emitters
Magliocchetti, Salvaterra & AF 2003 Magliocchetti, Salvaterra & AF 2003 Were the first stars very massive ?
Z = Z o Redshift z = 28 Z = Z o Redshift z = 22, AF, Coppi & Larson 2001 Bromm, AF, Coppi & Larson 2001 Vigorous fragmentation Low mass clumps Limited fragmentation High mass clumps M = 1000 M O M = 10 M O When did the transition to normal stars occur ?
Scannapieco, AF & Madau Songaila < log N HI < 15 f * =10% Filling factor : z = 3 Large objects M>10 9 M 0 contribute < 1% Flat metallicity evolution upto z = 8 due to decreasing f ej of larger galaxies Pettini etal 2003 Where should we look for the first stars ?
Were the first stars very massive ? Living Fossils ? How many PopIII stars ended up in our Galaxy ? What is their metallicity distribution ? What can we learn on their Initial Mass Function ? Larson IMF mm (m) Hernandez & AF 2001 Jeans mass corresponding to CMB temperature ΛCDM Characteristic Stellar Mass was Larger in the Past
An Emerging Scenario Redshift 0369 M /M O /Z 0 VMS/VMBH Era Transition to Normal IMF Normal IMF Reionization Required by NIRB data Required by QSO data High-z GRBs SNII PopIII host candidates SN γγ ?