Reading Rainbows Color in Literature
Seeing redSeeing red Green with envyGreen with envy Feeling blueFeeling blue BlacklistedBlacklisted Tickled pinkTickled pink Have you heard these terms? What do these terms mean to you?
Red Red is the warmest of all colors, but if unchecked can represent anger or disgust. Red is associated with fiery heat. It can mean danger or signify intense burning. Red is the color of blood. It can symbolize life and the human instinct to survive. Red is also the color most associated with passion and lust.
Green Green is the color of nature and fertility. Green often symbolizes the powerful energies of growth. Sometimes green represents negative traits like jealousy, envy, and greed. Green may also be used to symbolize cunningness, deception, and betrayal.
White Strictly speaking, white is not a color, but rather the manifestation of the presence of all color - the complete energy of light. It often stands for wholeness and completion. It can represent innocence, purity, and truth. White may represent a clean slate or the idea of starting over. White also has a cold quality, and too much may symbolize emptiness or isolation.
Black Black is actually the absence of all color; it absorbs all aspects of light. Black can symbolize death, and evil antagonists usually dress in this color to personify their wicked motives. While white reveals, black conceals. It has come to mean hidden, fearful or bad experience and is linked to the unknown or the unseen. Black can be mysterious, yet also represents danger.
YellowOrange Yellow is complicated. It can symbolize brightness, happiness, and cheerfulness But, yellow also often signifies darker undercurrents, and may be used to represent: fear cowardice insanity an unhinged mind Orange means vitality and endurance. Orange offers a more thoughtful control than red, which is often explosive. Curiosity is a driving characteristic of orange, and with it comes exploration of new things. Orange can also symbolize paranoia and sudden fits of violence.
BluePurple Blue is a study in contradictions. Blue is the calming color… …but it also gives a feeling of distance. Blue can indicate sadness and loss… …yet often gives way to clarity. Blue often symbolizes an increase or change in perspective or point of view. Purple represents the seeking of spiritual fulfillment. It can symbolize peace of mind. Purple is also often used to represent magic mystery royalty
Red Temper Anger Blood (Life) Vitality Danger Passion Purple Mystery Magic Royalty Fulfillment Good judgment Orange Power Violence Enthusiasm Creativity Paranoia Black Justice Evil Death Mystery Threat Concealment White Innocence Purity Truth Kindness Wholeness Green Jealousy Greed Betrayal Cunning Nature Growth Blue Distance Calm Clarity Loss Sadness Courage Yellow Fear Wisdom Insanity Friendship Cowardice
The Giver What roles does color play in the life of Jonas and throughout the story? What do the colors represent or symbolize?