The landfarming treatment consisted in the periodically turning over of the AGRIPORT decontaminated sediments inside each containers Homogenization of substrate Improvement of biological activities Further decrease in organic contamination Tamarix gallica Navicelli Canal (Pisa-Italy) The AGRIPORT technology (phytoremediation process with plants and organic matter) transformed the sediment from a contaminated and nutrient poor waste into a valuable material with characteristics approaching those of an uncontaminated agronomic soil (techno-soil) Spartium junceum Phragmites australis Nerium oleander Paspalum vaginatum 3. High quality compost Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing (CLEANSED LIFE12 ENV/IT/000652) Grazia Masciandaro, Cristina Macci, Claudia Martinelli, Eleonora Peruzzi, Giorgio Poggio, Serena Doni National Research Council - Institute of Ecosystem Study - Pisa - Italy OBJECTIVE The CLEANSED project will demonstrate, evaluate and disseminate an innovative, integrated, multisector approach for the smart and sustainable management of polluted dredged river sediments. OBJECTIVE The CLEANSED project will demonstrate, evaluate and disseminate an innovative, integrated, multisector approach for the smart and sustainable management of polluted dredged river sediments. PROBLEMPROBLEM Every year in Europe million m³ of polluted sediments are dredged and need to be disposed of in specific and expensive ways. Every year 5.2 million m³ of soil are removed from the ground due to plant nursery activities. Sediment treated with AGRIPORT technology Nurseries Post-TreatmentLandfarming (3 months) CLEANSED Methodology 1-Experimental layout: Viburnum tinus L. Photinia x fraseri var. Red Robin Due to the lower nutrient content and water holding capacity, the sediments were mixed with an agronomic soil: 50: :66 - 0:100 Plants 2-Monitoring: Chemico-physical and biological analyses on substrates Plant growth and physiological stress 3-Results after 9 months: Increase in organic and inorganic nutrients Increase in the microbial metabolism in the thesis with sediment (mixture sediment:agronomic soil 33:66 and 50:50) with respect to the agronomic control soil (0:100) Similar vegetal growth and development in the sediment and control experiments 4-Conclusions: The sediment is suitable as substrate for nursery activity Eleagnus macrophylla L. National Research Council- Institute of Ecosystem Studies - Pisa(CNR-ISE) COORDINATOR Institute of Biometeorology of the National Research Council, Firenze, Italy Spanish National Research Council–Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura-Murcia (CEBAS-CSICS) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pisa Navicelli S.p.a. Pisa Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Firenze, Italy The site of interest: Navicelli Canal Navicelli Canal (Pisa) is a navigable canal that connects Pisa to Livorno and flows into the sea. Sediment characteristics: High fraction of fine particles Unbalanced nutrient content Sterile material (very low biological activity) Slight contamination by heavy metals and a more significant contamination by organic pollutants. The site of interest: Navicelli Canal Navicelli Canal (Pisa) is a navigable canal that connects Pisa to Livorno and flows into the sea. Sediment characteristics: High fraction of fine particles Unbalanced nutrient content Sterile material (very low biological activity) Slight contamination by heavy metals and a more significant contamination by organic pollutants. Selected plants 1. gravel-sand drainage 2. Soil-sediment mixture