transparencies Part The Follow-up Machinery and the ILO Support
Part Transparency The Follow-up Machinery and the ILO Support The Four Areas Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour The effective abolition of child labour The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation 4.1 International Labour Standards Fundamental Conventions
Part Transparency The Follow-up Machinery and the ILO Support The Annual Review ONLY FOR COUNTRIES WHICH HAVE NOT RATIFIED ONE OR MORE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL CONVENTIONS ILO sends report forms to member States The Office must receive comments The Office compiles the reports, comments and supplementary information Member States prepare reports Workers’/ employers’ organizations prepare comments The Office must receive reports and comments A group of independent Expert-advisers studies the compiled reports and prepares an Introduction The Governing Body discusses the compilation of reports and the Introduction APRIL - MAY MAY - AUGUST by 1th SEPTEMBER by 15 SEPTEMBER JANUARY MARCH 4.2
Part Transparency The Follow-up Machinery and the ILO Support The Global Report Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour The effective abolition of child labour The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation & 2004 Each year: a single category of fundamental rights (four-year cycle) 2001 & & & 2007
Part Transparency The Follow-up Machinery and the ILO Support The Global Report Report based: &on the Annual Review, for countries which have not ratified the Conventions concerned &on information gathered through the ILO supervisory machinery &on the reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association, if any &on any other official information Report discussed in a plenary meeting at a special session of the International Labour Conference The Governing Body determines action plans for technical cooperation