Neurological Alliance 2014 – What’s next for neurology?– the information transformation National Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Networks (NMHDNIN) James Seward Mental Health, Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks Public Health England
Mental Health, Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks The Mental Health & Wellbeing Intelligence Network (MHIN), Dementia Intelligence Network (DIN) & Neurology Intelligence Network (NIN) launched on 18 th June The Network aims to provide reliable intelligence to support transformation PHE has the system-wide responsibility to lead and develop Health Intelligence Networks for: o Cancer ( o Child and Maternal Health Observatory ( o End of Life Care & o Cardiovascular Disease Intelligence Network (
Mental Health, Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks: short & long-term goals Practical support to local authority (DsPHs), strategic clinical networks, CCGs and others – providers, clinicians, service users Getting health intelligence tools and resources to the right people at the right time in the right place Eyes on the long term prize: –data linkage across clinical pathways –efficient translation of research findings –shift in resources towards primary and secondary prevention –better outcomes and reduced health inequalities Intelligence-driven transformation
Aim of MHDNIN DataIntelligence Knowledge Access Flow Quality Utilisation Care Pathway Profiles Data Briefing reports Data visualisation Economic modelling What Good Looks Like Case Studies State of the Nation reports
7 What are we trying to achieve? Supporting improvement in care services by improving access to data and intelligence Building & supporting the development of clinical care pathways with a data description of the events in the journey Profile pathways – data arranged around key milestones Incidence & prevalence – risk reduction/prevention Routes to diagnosis Post diagnosis care – living with the conditions End of life care Outcomes and financials
8 What are our opportunities – data sources? Health sector is rich in data e.g. Hospital episode statistics – A&E, inpatient, outpatient; Digital imaging data sets – use of scanning machines etc.; Primary care prescribing data sets; Primary care performance data – QOF; NHS England budget allocations; Mortality data sets; Primary care morbidity registers; Social care data sets; National audits and research publications.
9 What is in our work plan? Supporting SCN themes epilepsy, headache migraines, neuro-rehabilitation services Current analysis of neurological services in England inpatient and outpatient services Contributions to future NHS England “Commissioning for value” packs Contributions to the forthcoming PHE “Atlas of Variations” compendium; Neurology compendium – reviewing new specification for 2015; Understanding the data assets we currently have access to e.g.– HES – inpatient & outpatient
10 What have we produced so far? Defining our work space – 392 ICD10 codes; 22 condition categories; Neurology Profiles – Epilepsy pathway Emergency admissions to hospital
11 Admissions for Epilepsy under care of a neurologist
12 Emergency admissions for 12 conditions
Neurological Alliance 2014 – What’s next for neurology?– the information transformation Michael Jackson, Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks Public Health England
Next steps Use the tools – what do you think? Neurology Intelligence Network Annual Conference, March 2105 Defining priorities and work programme in 2015/16 The DIN Expert Reference Group will define the work programme How can we develop the ways in which we collaborate? 15Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer