EIRA/CarTool NL pilot Follow-up call ISA Programme Action 2.1 & January 2015 Follow-up call 29 January 2015
Click to edit Master title style Follow-up call 29 January 2015 ItemTopic 1.Pilot: specific plan 2.Assess the architecture of an existing solution in the context of the EIRA 3.Document interoperable solutions
Follow-up call 29 January 2015 EIRA/CarTool NL pilot 1. Pilot: specific plan ISA Programme Action 2.1 & January 2015
Click to edit Master title style Context: interoperability challenges 4 The Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations published and maintains NORA: Nederlandse Overheid Referentie Architectuur. It has been endorsed by the Dutch Cabinet as the standard to be used throughout the public sectors. NORA contains common basic principles that relate to the provision of all public services. The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration is on the NORA user board. During the discussion to select the pilot use cases, it became clear that two complementary objectives exist: For the project, the objective is the validation of the EIRA and the CarTool. For the NORA community, the objective is to leverage lessons learnt in tackling interoperability challenges. Therefore the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration would like to investigate solutions by documenting and assessing them with the help of the EIRA and the Cartography Tool. During the assessment, the EIRA is leveraged to identify interoperability challenges and how they have been tackled. Two solutions have been selected for the pilot: OB (omzetbelasting) turn-over-based Taxes NHR (nieuw handelsregister) Pilot: specific plan
Click to edit Master title style Needs 5 The following needs were identified in the context of this pilot: To identify interoperability challenges and how they have been tackled to derive lessons learnt. To document existing solutions for making a) information about solutions available and b) the solutions reusable. Pilot: specific plan
Click to edit Master title style Solution: assess the architecture of an existing solution 6 The desired needs will be implemented through the following use-cases: Assess the architecture of an existing solution in the context of the EIRA: Leverage the EIRA to identify which and how interoperability challenges have been tackled. These captured insights can then help others to ensure better interoperability when implementing solutions. Document interoperable solutions: Leverage the CarTool to document the 2 solutions. Pilot: specific plan The pilot is expected to result into the following outcome: Views (diagrams) to visualise the 2 solutions with EIRA; Documentation of the 2 solutions in the CarTool; Interoperability assessment of the 2 solutions: o List of EIRA ABBs and a reasoning why a certain ABB is (not) used o List of interoperability challenges and how they have been tackled. EIRA ABBs (and EIF interoperability level and EIF principles) should be used to structure the list. Feedback on the EIRA and CarTool; and Evaluation of the pilot
Click to edit Master title style Pilot: Specific plan 7 Pilot: specific plan OwnerTask or milestone Target date JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril Use case: Assess the architecture of the ‘turn-over tax collection solution’ in the context of the EIRA EC/NLDates and deadlines agreed20.1 NLInternal kick-off to onboard colleagues30.1 NL Scope defined (Belastingdienst or also Chamber of Commerce) 30.1 NL Existing material needed to understand the solution gathered 30.1 NLCreate a first draft 15.2 NL OB and NHR documented in the CarTool using the data template excel file 20.2 NLValidation session with peer architects 27.2 NLOutcome finalized 6.3 Provide support on the use of EIRA and CarTool EC/NLStatus update conference call for the CarTool/EIRA29.1 EC/NLStatus update conference call for the EIRA 30.4 ECKick-off workshop14 & 15.1 EC/NLCarTool workshop 20.2 Provide feedback on the EIRA and the CarTool NLPilot evaluation survey 30.4 NLPresentation at ISA Coordination group TBC
Click to edit Master title style Pilot: Communication plan 8 01 Pilot: specific plan Main contact person: Saco Bekius SPOC EIRA: Max Stahlecker SPOC CarTool: Costas Simatos Privately archived mailing list: Joinup issue tracker: (only for issues relevant to the general public) 0203
EIRA/CarTool NL pilot 2. Assess the architecture of an existing solution in the context of the EIRA ISA Programme Action 2.1 & January 2015 Follow-up call 29 January 2015
Click to edit Master title style Assess the architecture of an existing solution in the context of the EIRA 10 The expected outcome will be produced by following the steps: Create ArchiMate views to visualise the 2 solutions with the help of the EIRA; Used EIRA ABBs For each EIRA view: Are the most-salient ABBs used by the solution? If not why? Interoperability challenges Which interoperability challenges have been identified during the solution development? How have they been tackled? Leverage EIRA ABBs, EIF interoperability levels and EIF principles Does the EIRA miss ABBs? Usage of the EIRA and Cartography Tool What is the experience of using the EIRA and Cartography Tool? How do they help the architect in conducting his work? Assess the architecture of an existing solution in the context of the EIRA
EIRA/CarTool NL pilot 3. Document interoperable solutions ISA Programme Action 2.1 & January 2015 Follow-up call 29 January 2015
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Click to edit Master title style 13 Contact us Project Officers Project team For more information Cartography tool European Interoperability Cartography EIRA European Interoperability Reference Architecture EIA Joinup communityhttps://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/eia/description EIA project collaborative space A+Home ISA website ISA FAQ
Click to edit Master title style 14 This presentation was prepared for the ISA programme of the European Commission by PwC EU Services. The views expressed in this report are purely those of the authors and may not, in any circumstances, be interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this study, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof. Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission. All care has been taken by the author to ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such rights or from her/his or their legal representative.