III. Statistics and chi-square How do you know if your data fits your hypothesis? (3:1, 9:3:3:1, etc.) For example, suppose you get the following data in a monohybrid cross: PhenotypeDataExpected (3:1) A a Total Is the difference between your data and the expected ratio due to chance deviation or is it significant?
Two points about chance deviation 1. Outcomes of segregation, independent assortment, and fertilization, like coin tossing, are subject to random fluctuations. 2. As sample size increases, the average deviation from the expected fraction or ratio should decrease. Therefore, a larger sample size reduces the impact of chance deviation on the final outcome.
The null hypothesis The assumption that the data will fit a given ratio, such as 3:1 is the null hypothesis. It assumes that there is no real difference between the measured values and the predicted values. Use statistical analysis to evaluate the validity of the null hypothesis. If rejected, the deviation from the expected is NOT due to chance alone and you must reexamine your assumptions. If failed to be rejected, then observed deviations can be attributed to chance.
Process of using chi-square analysis to test goodness of fit Establish a null hypothesis: 1:1, 3:1, etc. Plug data into the chi-square formula. Determine if null hypothesis is either (a) rejected or (b) not rejected. If rejected, propose alternate hypothesis. Chi-square analysis factors in (a) deviation from expected result and (b) sample size to give measure of goodness of fit of the data.
Chi-square formula Once X 2 is determined, it is converted to a probability value (p) using the degrees of freedom (df) = n- 1 where n = the number of different categories for the outcome. where o = observed value for a given category, e = expected value for a given category, and sigma is the sum of the calculated values for each category of the ratio
Chi-square - Example 1 PhenotypeExpectedObserved A a Null Hypothesis: Data fit a 3:1 ratio. degrees of freedom = (number of categories - 1) = = 1 Use Fig to determine p - on next slide
X 2 Table and Graph Unlikely: Reject hypothesis Likely: Do not reject Hypothesis likely unlikely 0.50 > p > 0.20 Figure 3.12
Interpretation of p 0.05 is a commonly-accepted cut-off point. p > 0.05 means that the probability is greater than 5% that the observed deviation is due to chance alone; therefore the null hypothesis is not rejected. p < 0.05 means that the probability is less than 5% that observed deviation is due to chance alone; therefore null hypothesis is rejected. Reassess assumptions, propose a new hypothesis.
Conclusions: X 2 less than 3.84 means that we accept the Null Hypothesis (3:1 ratio). In our example, p = 0.48 (p > 0.05) means that we accept the Null Hypothesis (3:1 ratio). This means we expect the data to vary from expectations this much or more 48% of the time. Conversely, 52% of the repeats would show less deviation as a result of chance than initially observed.
X 2 Example 2: Coin Toss I say that I have a non-trick coin (with both heads and tails). Do you believe me? 1 tail out of 1 toss 10 tails out of 10 tosses 100 tails out of 100 tosses
Tossing Coin - Which of these outcomes seem likely to you? Compare Chi-square with 3.84 (since there is 1 degree of freedom). a) Tails1 of 1 b) Tails 10 of 10 c) Tails100 of 100 Chi-square a) b) c) Don’t reject Reject
X 2 - Example 3 F2 data: 792 long-winged (wildtype) flies, 208 dumpy- winged flies. Hypothesis: dumpy wing is inherited as a Mendelian recessive trait. Expected Ratio? X 2 analysis? What do the data suggest about the dumpy mutation?
Summary of lecture 5 1. Genetic ratios are expressed as probabilities. Thus, deriving outcomes of genetic crosses relies on an understanding of laws of probability, in particular: the sum law, product law, conditional probability, and the binomial theorum. 2. Statistical analyses are used to test the validity of experimental outcomes. In genetics, some variation is expected, due to chance deviation.