This file contains figures from the book: Information Theory A Tutorial Introduction by Dr James V Stone 2015 Sebtel Press. Copyright JV Stone. These figures are released for use under the Creative Commons License specified on next slide. A copy of this file can be obtained from
Chapter 1
A B D = = = = = = = = 7 C Left Right
0 1 1 = = = = = = = = 7 Fish Bird Dog Car Van Truck Bus No Yes Q1 Q2 Q3 Cat
Chapter 2
Random variable X Experiment Coin flip Outcome = head Mapping X(head) = 1 Random variable X Experiment Coin flip Outcome = tail Mapping X(tail) = 0
Output y Noise Channel Encoder x = g(s) Data s Decoder Input x
Chapter 3
Noise Channel Encoder Data Decoder Input Output X
A0.87 B0.04 C0.04 D0.03 E
Chapter 4
Output y Noise Channel Encoder x = g(s) Data s Decoder Input x
a b c
H(Y) H(X) I(X,Y) H(Y|X) H(X|Y) H(X,Y)
H(Y) H(X) I(X,Y) H(Y|X) H(X|Y) H(X,Y)
2 H(Y|X) 2 H(X|Y) Number of outputs = 2 H(Y) Number of inputs = 2 H(X) Number of possible outputs for one input = 2 H(Y|X) Number of possible inputs for one output = 2 H(X|Y) Inputs X Outputs Y
Output entropy H(Y) Mutual information I(X,Y) Output noise entropy H(Y|X) Input entropy H(X) Mutual information I(X,Y) Input noise entropy H(X|Y) (a) (b)
Chapter 5
Residual uncertainty Residual uncertainty Residual uncertainty b) After receiving 1 bit, U=50% a) After receiving 2 bits, U=25% c) After receiving 1/2 a bit, U=71%
Noise Channel Encoder Data Decoder Input Output
Chapter 6
Output y Noise Channel Encoder x = g(s) Data s Decoder Input x
H(Y) H(X) I(X,Y) H(Y|X) H(X|Y) H(X,Y)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Warm AB
ColdHot AB
Chapter 9
a b c d e
83 Blue-Yellow channel Luminance channel Red-Green channel S-cone M-cone L-cone