Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing AFI 2: Improve achievement further by accelerating the progress boys make in some subjects
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing “Overall 2014 results have seen an improvement in the progress boys are making across the whole school compared to subjects in 2014 increased % of boys making expected levels of progress, with a further 27 subjects predicting further improvements in subjects increased % of boys making more then expected progress compared to 2013 with a further 20 predicting a greater increase in progress for Boys APS increased in 24 subjects compared to 2013 and a further 20 subjects are predicting even higher results for 2015, which is evidence of the impact of our whole school strategies and leadership.”
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Set up Boys Mentoring League – 42 boys identified initially on data/pastoral criteria for being suitable for mentoring by specially identified male members of staff. These competed in short term mentoring cycles in teams collecting points for improved attitude in lessons and attendance in school/at revision sessions. This led to rewards such as carting which the boys found very motivating.
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Peer mentoring set up for Y11 student to mentor each other to assist with Maths and English work during form time -Set up via the Year Office/Maths dept/Eng Dept, Higher ability students to work with mid to lower ability students on raising their attainment in form time. Intention to develop this in the next academic year as was done on a small scale this year
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Implement boy friendly strategies across academic and pastoral curriculum in Y11 - As part of the rolling programme of development of Schemes of Learning and Progress, all faculties were requested to specifically include those strategies/resources/activities which would engage boys and help to raise their achievement
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Two boy/girl only teaching groups set up in English in Y10 and Y11 in a bid to engage boys more by choosing gender specific sources/texts and teaching using male specific strategies -To raise the achievement of boys in English, these teaching groups have been set up and paired specifically with teachers who have a record for working well with boys.
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Use of prominent national and local speakers has helped to raised levels of motivation and engagement. Visits have been made termly including some ex-pupils who have ‘turned it around’ once leaving school and speak openly about the importance of school education.
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Bespoke staff training programme delivered to enhance staff professional development. Sessions delivered specifically on Raising Boys’ Achievement with pedagogy, theory and practical strategies.
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Heavy statistically with boys the Endeavour programme is in place for our lowest attaining pupils. Timetabled twice fortnightly there is an explicit focus on British Values, effective living and community. Interestingly it is recorded not one single behaviour point has been issued during these sessions.
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Changing the mind set of boys is a priority focus – success comes in all different forms and by celebrating a diversity we inspire achievement.
Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Continue to promote a ‘growth mind-set’ ‘So Macho’ initiative More ‘boy friendly’ strategies employed Raising levels of literacy and numeracy