Extensive Livestock Partners Meeting 17 th April 2014 Stimulating Business Innovations in Arid Lands Livestock value chains
KRDP1 Title of the Action: “Enhanced Community Resilience to Drought through innovative Market Based Systems Approaches” Contract number: FED/2012/ Start date 22 nd November 2012 and end date 21 st November 2015 Dates contract signed: 21 st November 2012 Target count(ies): Baringo, Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu, Tana River and Wajir Final beneficiaries &/or target groups (including numbers of women and men): 26,900 Pastoral Household beneficiarie 2Title
Specific Objective 1: To promote pastoral livelihoods diversification through strengthening viable enterprises in livestock, fodder, and camel milk value chains. Result 1: Improved access to and availability of fodder for 25,000 livestock keepers’ households. Result 2: 1,000 women-led households empowered through more profitable camel milk trade. Specific Objective 2: To facilitate robust markets for livestock and livestock products through PPP and market based systems. Result 3:25 well managed and vibrant livestock markets in arid areas Specific Objective 3: To develop the knowledge base for enhancing climate change adaptation through a stronger market orientation at community level and a conducive policy environment. Result 4: Strong ASAL knowledge base offering replicable strategies 3Title
Listening for Change Listening for the Head Listening for the Head Listening for the Heart Listening for the Heart Listening for feet Listening for feet
We need to listen to thoughts, to feelings and to intentions. We need to listen to thoughts, to feelings and to intentions. "Listening for the Head" - the Thinking Level - to thoughts, facts, concepts, arguments, ideas and the principles behind these "Listening for the Head" - the Thinking Level - to thoughts, facts, concepts, arguments, ideas and the principles behind these "Listening for the Heart" - the Feeling Level - to feelings, emotions, mood, experience and the values behind these. "Listening for the Heart" - the Feeling Level - to feelings, emotions, mood, experience and the values behind these. "Listening for the Feet" - the Will Level - to intentions, energy, direction, motivation, the will. "Listening for the Feet" - the Will Level - to intentions, energy, direction, motivation, the will.
Value proposition for Livestock projects Capture value : Value Proposition GAP Create Value Deliver Value 6Title
Creating value Means What is the gap Markets response/approach New innovative ways New technology Quality improvement Impact Fodder ; Livestock – life animals & beef Who is market? (local market, What is the gap? (availability & Quality & affordability) 7Title
Capturing Value Illustrate Competitive advantage/what is our niche Proposed Services Models developed Value propositions A value proposition is a clear statement of the tangible results a customer gets from using your products or services. It’s outcome focused and stresses the business value of your offering. What the proposed Business models Co-management Steer fattening Fodder MACs 8Title
Delivering Value What are we doing? On the basis of the value; which point has the highest leverage to make a change in the chain? Our BUSINESS is a value delivery system, agents Advisors Consultants LCB’s Service providers 9Title
Organization Technical Team Client/ Donors 10Title
Group work – Business modelling by commodity OR Service 1. what is the gap – for the respective commodity; who/where is the market 2. What is the KRDP 1 project offering (innovation, quality, solutions)? 3. What is the competitive edge the enterprise/business is offering 4. what is the approach of the enterprise is using 5. what skills and competencies do we as implementers bring and what is missing 11Title
Business modelling for Livestock Value chain Enterprises Articulate the Gap - Within the Market Clearly Articulate the Market Analysis of issues affecting the value chains Articulate your value proposition; how you are planning to bridge the gap in market system What are the services you are offering Competitive Edge /Advantage Are you as the facilitator ready/have what it takes to create new value 12Title
Listening for Change Listening for the Head Listening for the Head Listening for the Heart Listening for the Heart Listening for feet Listening for feet
The END 14Title