60 Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c
From Addiction Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c WESTBURY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL
To Recovery Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c
Facts About Addiction 23.5 million Americans live in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. (NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services / The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids) 350 people die each day from a drug overdose or alcohol- related death. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ) 22 million Americans meet criteria for a substance use disorder. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – SAMHSA) College-age youth are increasingly overdosing on drugs and alcohol (TIME Magazine, 2011) Nearly half of young people who inject heroin start by abusing prescription drugs (The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids) More Americans die from drug overdoses than in car crashes. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c
Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c