1 WGISS Best Practices Ken McDonald, NOAA Courtney Davis, NOAA/GDIT Yonsook Enloe, NASA/SGT WGISS – 27 May 11-15, 2009 Toulouse, France
2 Purpose Action Item from WGISS-Exec Action Item from WGISS-Exec –Develop a plan to post Best Practices/Lessons Learned/Other Items on redesigned WGISS website Will address three topics with proposals for: Will address three topics with proposals for: –Website responsibilities of WGISS POCs –Approach to promoting WGISS Best Practices to GEO –Posting information on WGISS coordination and support to specific GEO tasks
3 WGISS Responsibilities for Website Maintenance WGISS POCs to maintain content in their respective areas WGISS POCs to maintain content in their respective areas –Secretariat to post general notices, meeting announcements, agendas, etc. –Project/Interest Group Leads to post task plans, status and lessons learned WISP to make structural changes to website and offer training to POCs WISP to make structural changes to website and offer training to POCs
4 Project/Interest Group Area Report on plans and status for each activity Report on plans and status for each activity Include lessons learned section with summary and detailed description, links to relevant documents and keywords Include lessons learned section with summary and detailed description, links to relevant documents and keywords Lessons learned should focus on technical information that can help future implementation projects Lessons learned should focus on technical information that can help future implementation projects Related discussion topics: Related discussion topics: –Search capabilities across Project/IGs –History section for completed/closed Projects/IGs
5 WGISS Best Practices Recommend using GEOSS Best Practices wiki to post WGISS “best practices” Recommend using GEOSS Best Practices wiki to post WGISS “best practices” Recommend identifying WGISS best practice “Editor” Recommend identifying WGISS best practice “Editor” –Review WGISS “lessons learned” and identify best practices to promote to GEO –GEO has already drawn best practices from WGISS and guidelines are consistent WGISS should discuss its contributions to the GEOSS Best Practices team WGISS should discuss its contributions to the GEOSS Best Practices team –Might consider taking on an “Editor” role for GEO Data and Architecture area of GEOSS Best Practices wiki –Current team frustrated at lack of interest/support –Would require commitment of time and effort
6 WGISS Contributions to GEO Recommend creation of area in WGISS website to report on contributions Recommend creation of area in WGISS website to report on contributions –Pointers to dedicated Projects/Interest Group contributions –Reports on WGISS contributions to other GEO tasks Propose WGISS Vice-Chair to maintain content of area Propose WGISS Vice-Chair to maintain content of area
7 Website Training Use remainder of session to review and discuss website design Use remainder of session to review and discuss website design WGISS POCs should schedule time with Courtney for hands-on training on updating/editing areas of responsibility WGISS POCs should schedule time with Courtney for hands-on training on updating/editing areas of responsibility
8 Schedule Sign-up Date/TimeNameDate/TimeName Tues. 15:45 Thur. 10:30 Tues. 17:30 Thur. 14:00 Wed. 08:30 Thur. 15:30 Wed. 10:15 Thur. 17:15 Wed. 14:00 Fri. 08:45 Wed. 15:30 Fri. 10:30 Wed. 17:45 Fri. 13:15 Thur. 08:45