Awarded in 2007, renewed in 2010
Some facts
Percentage female staff by grade Left bar for each grade: 2001/02, right bar: 2006/07 Percentage female staff by grade Left bar for each grade: 2001/02, right bar: 2006/07 People Science and Policy report for RSC, Feb 2009
Percentage female staff by grade Left bar for each grade: 2001/02, right bar: 2006/07 People Science and Policy report for RSC, Feb 2009
Some facts RSC Remuneration Survey 2006
The outcomes Membership of key committees Open management ‘Inclusiveness’ committee Resource allocation during leave PDRA development officer
The outcomes Flexible working practices - annualised hours, part-time Scheduling of meetings in core hours Inclusive departmental social activities Day to day behaviour
The evidence
Implicit bias Equality Challenge Unit, UK
Harvard implicit association Science with women 10% Science with men 72%
Where is there evidence? Appointments (bias prone) Starting salaries (~5%) References (adjectives) Job allocation within organisations Pay, promotion, resource allocation
Sources of advice Why So Slow? Virginia Valian. MIT Press, The Invention of Difference, Kandola and Kandola, Pearn Kandola Publishing, 2013
Whether to laugh or cry?
Angewandte Chemie faces of scientists Journal contentTotal Number and percentage of women Author profiles512, 3.9% Prize winners etc30031, 10.3% All scientists37037, 10.0% Data from 2 January 2013 to 24 February 2014