Marion County High School Respect Responsibility Discipline
Respect Mutual respect between all MCHS stakeholders (students, parents, faculty, staff, community) Adults must model respect for young adults to grow “RESPECT” The Foundation of Marion County High School
Responsibility Goal: Prepare all students for life after Marion County High School (college, work, military, life) ▫Academics and Maturity Very High Expectations – Expect all students to do their absolute best, in academics and behavior. Accountable
Discipline If a student is being disciplined for inappropriate behavior, learning time is being wasted. Time on task is too valuable to waste!
Discipline Marion County High School clearly defines the expectations of student behavior, and students must choose to meet the expectations or not. If a student chooses to not meet the expectations of MCHS, then they accept the discipline that is appropriate for their choice.
Loss of Privileges Student discipline, attendance, and academics can be used to determine participation in privileges. Privileges include but are not limited to school assemblies, pep rallies, intramurals, field trips, driving and parking, prom, dances, etc….. Focus: Student Choices
Marion County High School Meet The Expectations