Infrastructure and Tourism Development Concrete Projects and Opportunities Marjan Hribar, M.Sc. Director General Directorate for tourism Ohrid, April 20-21, 2007 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY
Slovenian experiences Examples: Bled, Bohinj etc. – world known destinations Other less known and still undiscovered destinations – but good developed and with excellent services European tourist trends and Slovenia Development Plan and Policies of Slovene Tourism Strategic objectives (quantitative and qualitative) Policies / measures / activities Strategic goals of Slovene tourism – main directions Guidelines Slovenian experiences and Macedonia REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY
Directions, opinions,… Value for Macedonia The infrastructure (hotels, roads,…) in the strategic tourist destinations in Macedonia “The moment of true” Story – to attract the tourists AIDA – awareness, interest, desire, attention Cultural and historical sites …. What to do to make them atractive? Promotion of Macedonia (in the neighbourhood and worldwide) REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY
Development of the tourist products Mountain tourism in Macedonia (vs. Slovenian experiences and world trends) Dojran Lake / after the catastrophic ecological phenomenon / and ater return in the previous condition Prespa Lake National Park Pelister REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY
Eco tourism Experiences in Slovenia (raising the awareness, EU flower and other standards, …) Sustainability follow the UNWTO guidelines REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY
Macedonia – tourist destinations for the tourists from Slovenia 2006: arrivals, overnight stays 2006/2005: arrivals = index 94 overnight stays = 102 2007/2006 (jan-feb): arrivals = 135 overnight stays = 156 Macedonia – as tourist country? Macedonia as tourist country for Slovenian? Investments in Macedonia - tourism? REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY