Cyberpace Advertising Advertising slogans Celebrity Endorsement Beauty Appeal Testimonials Rhetorical Question My adveristings
They are subject to ethical constraints and are often viewed with reservations. It are claimed to be, and often prove to be, the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product. For example, McDonalds' slogan, "I'm lovin' it" is a combination of many different techniques, including a variety of associative responsesI'm lovin' it Advertising slogans
Celebrity Endorsement Associates product use with a well-known person. By purchasing this product we are led to believe that we will attain characteristics similar to the celebrity.
Beauty Appeal Beauty attracts us; we are drawn to beautiful people, places, and things.
A testimonial or endorsement is a written or spoken statement, sometimes from a public figure, sometimes from a private citizen, extolling the virtue of some product, which is used in the promotion and advertising of that product.productpromotionadvertising Testimonials
Rhetorical Question This technique poses a question to the consumer that demands a response. A question is asked and the consumer is supposed to answer in such a way that affirms the product’s goodness.
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