USHC Standard 6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the conflict between traditionalism and progressivism in the 1920s and the economic collapse and the political response to the economic crisis in the 1930s. USHC 6.1: Explain the impact of the changes in the 1920s on the economy, society, and culture, including the expansion of mass production techniques, the invention of new home appliances, the introduction of the installment plan, the role of transportation in changing urban life, the effect of radio and movies in creating a national mass culture, and the cultural changes exemplified by the Harlem Renaissance.
Advertisements convinced U.S. citizens that they not only wanted, but needed certain products The mass media worsened the differences between the “have” and “have-nots” by advertising goods that many Americans could not afford to buy This led to the “buy now, pay later” philosophy that stimulated the economy, but later proved to be harmful to Americans
In 1920, women finally gained the right to vote with the 19th amendment The roles and expectations of women changed drastically during this decade Economic necessity and advancements in technology led more women than ever into the workforce Women still faced obstacles: Generally, single women were hired The belief was that married women would eventually have children and quit There was no such thing as maternity leave, so this was typically true Women were rarely trained for or given positions of leadership
WOMEN: The availability of new appliances led to some social change because women were able to do their house chores more easily Washing machine, electric irons, vacuum cleaners This did NOT lead to a significant change in their position in society or in the economy
WOMEN: As women’s place in the workforce increased, they began to change their dress and behavior also Women’s hair became shorter, and their hemlines became higher They sought clothes that were comfortable and hairstyles that were easier to manage Women started going on dates, instead of entertaining men at their homes with a chaperone
Women’s Fashion
Women’s Hair
These “new women” tended to be more rebellious and “fun-loving” than women in the past Although the “flapper” is an icon of the 1920’s, and her freedom helped to change attitudes towards the role of women, most women continued the traditional roles as wife and mother
AFRICAN AMERICANS: The 1920’s saw great cultural accomplishments within the African-American community Jazz: Became a popular form of music after WWI as musical artists from Louisiana and Mississippi brought their talents to the northern cities The radio brought jazz music to white audiences Jazz created a shared national culture
AFRICAN AMERICANS: An increase in black racial pride and awareness led many black intellectuals to write works portraying the daily lives of the working class African-Americans Because much of this cultural movement took place in New York City, it became known as the Harlem Renaissance
Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance: The migration of African Americans to segregated neighborhoods in the cities of the north and Midwest brought about a black middle class and a cultural renaissance The renaissance brought recognition and pride to black artists, particularly musicians, but further pointed out their second class citizenship
Louis Armstrong ( ): a trumpeter and singer from New Orleans; he was one of the most noted jazz musicians in the 1920’s
Langston Hughes ( ): wrote memorable poetry and short stories about the black experience and reminded black Americans of their African heritage
Harlem by Langston Hughes What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore— And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over— like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?
Zora Neal Hurston ( ): gained fame for her novel Their Eyes were Watching God
"The wind came back with triple fury, and put out the light for the last time..... They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God." — Zora Neale Hurston Their Eyes Were Watching God
AFRICAN AMERICANS African-Americans began to find a political and social voice through organizations like the NAACP and the United Negro Improvement Association
Advertisements of the 1920’s Project Create a commercial advertising a new product of the 1920’s. You must include: All group members Some creative element (no reading from papers!) Costumes Good acting!
Advertisements of the 1920’s Project Create a commercial advertising a new product of the 1920’s. Step 1: Choose your product Step 2: Plan your commercial Step 3: Practice with Vimeo App Step 4: Rehearse your commercial (several times!) Step 5: Record your commercial Step 6: Edit your commercial (with Vimeo App)
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