Captains of Industry Vanderbilt Carnegie Rockefeller
Immigrant Labor Due to immigration, there was a larger availability of people ready to join the work force.Due to immigration, there was a larger availability of people ready to join the work force.
Assembly line: Products made faster, cheaper, and more accessible to average consumer. Lowered production costs
New markets were created. New markets were created. Trains reached small towns in addition to cities. Trains reached small towns in addition to cities. Faster transportation
Trains shipped raw materials and finished products. Trains shipped raw materials and finished products. Electricity ran machines more efficiently. Electricity ran machines more efficiently. Easy access to materials and energy
Inventions Mechanization (ex: the reaper) reduced farm labor needs and increased production.Mechanization (ex: the reaper) reduced farm labor needs and increased production.
More consumers = more profits. More consumers = more profits. Creation of Creation of mail order catalogs and chain stores. Advertising
New ways to borrow money led to creation of new businesses. Financial resources END.