Literacy Rate The number of people who can read and write The better the educational system in a country, the higher the literacy rate. When education is not a high priority in a country, the lower the literacy rate.
Standard of Living A level of survival and comfort in everyday life enjoyed by a community, class, or individual: The well-educated generally have a high standard of living.
Cultural Development The steady or gradual improvement of a particular group of people over time. This can include education quality, quality of life, and advances in technology
Germany: Literacy Rate The literacy rate in Germany is % Students in Germany must attend school through the 9 th grade. After that students either go to a trade school or keep attending public school until the 13th grade if they want to go to college. ( roughly 18 years old)
RUSSIA: Literacy Rate Russia’s Literacy rate is % Russia has a free education system guaranteed to all citizens by the Constitution and has a literacy rate of 99.4%.Entry to higher education is highly competitive. As a result of great emphasis on science and technology in education, Russian medical, mathematical, scientific, and space and aviation research is generally of a high order- from Follow link to here the Russian alphabet
France: Literacy Rate The Literacy rate in France is 99% Children in France must go to school until they are 16 years old.
CountryLiteracy Rate LanguageCustomsTraditions Germany %German (Germanic Language) Oktoberfest Bavarian Culture in the Mountains Christmas- gave us first Christmas tree Russia99-100%Russian (Slavic Language) Ballet originated in Russia Christmas France99%French (Romantic Language) Bastille Day- July 14. Ended the Monarchy in France. Christmas- Midnight Mass France is 80% Roman Catholic
Italy: Literacy Rate The literacy rate in Italy is 98% Children in Italy go to school from age 6-15.
United Kingdom: Literacy Rate The Literacy Rate is 99%. The UK is home to some very famous and old university's such as Oxford (England), Cambridge (England), & St. Andrews (Scotland).
CountryLiteracy Rate LanguageCustomsTraditions Italy 98%Italian (Romantic Language) OperaChristmas & Easter Rome is home to the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church. United Kingdom 99%English (Germanic Language) Also Welsh, Celtic, & Gaelic in other parts. Afternoon TeaMany traditions from Scotland, Wales & England.