Conscious Discipline Lori Thieme Associate Superintendent
Brain Smart Classrooms
National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (NSCDC) This article states that “The foundations of social competence that are developed in the first five layers are linked to emotional well-being and affect a child’s later ability to function and adapt in school and to form successful relationships throughout life.” (NSCDC, 2004, p. 1)
“The most potent single cause of bullying is a negative peer group climate…Reward and punishment systems are based on the teacher judging the child to be “good or bad” and causes segregation...When we coach children to resolve conflicts respectfully, we enhance and activate higher centers of their brains.-leading to internal problem solving.” -(Baily)
Start the day right Unite Disengage the stress (drain, balloon, pretzel, stretch)drain, balloon, pretzel, stretch) Connect Commit
Mindset toward discipline – No one can make you angry Composure-Self control – Positive self talk-change the “trigger” thought – Attribute positive motives to child behavior Assertiveness-what you focus on you get
Noticing 8AQo 8AQo
Anger Needs Empathy Reflecting what you see Reflecting what you hear Reflecting what you feel
Listen for underlying emotion “Your Stupid!”You seem frustrated with me “Your always picking on me”You seem afraid I don’t like you “I hate you”You seem angry with me “You can’t make me”You seem angry Anger is a secondary emotion, it’s a cover for fear. Two steps: mirror and label the feelings
Awareness and Acceptance Your face is going like this – You seem_____ – Something Happened? – You wanted_____ – It’s hard breath with me, you can handle it Feel heartbeat(S.T.A.R.) You wanted ___so you___you didn’t know what else to do so you___ you may not___.___hurts. When you want___say___
When children are upset, offer empathy or positive intent first. Then ask questions and facilitate problem solving
Encouragement Meaningful jobs Wish you well center-we care center Speaking into lives (Rom. 4:17”-God who gives life to the dead and calls those tings that do not exist as though they did.”) Correct type of praise
Meaningful Jobs The safe keeper The Greeter The Goodbye Wisher The problem Solver The Clean Up Announcer/Inspector The Encourager The Kindness Recorder
The Power of the Environment
Create a “Safe Place”Safe Place
Cranky Cream Q8bY Q8bY Feeling buddies pcfc4#t=80
Discipline Natural and imposed consequences consequences
Punishment and rewards rely on judgment. Consequences rely of reflection.
When children see the connection between their behavior and the result of that behavior, learning has occurred.
Choice (Guidance and possible outcomes) Class meeting (modeling)/Problem solving From rewards to celebrations- celebration center Breath, Use your words, tell what you want
I Love You Rituals OwUU OwUU