A Reflection on the Spirituality of St Francis today
Holy Spirit Fraternity Secular Franciscan Order 19 September 2010
St Francis of Assisi - Born Baptised John - Father renames him Francesco - Goes to war with Perugia - Taken prisoner for a year - Recovers at home for a year
- Returns to Assisi after defending the Holy Roman Empire - In prayer in the Church of San Damiano - ‘Go and rebuild my house.’
- More than bricks and mortar - Francis rebuilds the Church
-Francis embraces a man with leprosy - Jesus in the poor - God’s living stones
-Francis forms a brotherhood. -The Church approves. His community preaches and works for their daily bread.
- Clare forms a community. - They receive San Damiano - They pray and minister to the sick.
-Francis preaches conversion and forgiveness across Europe - He makes peace with the Sultan of Egypt -He embraces a ravenous wolf
-Francis sees Jesus in creation - He starts the Christmas crib with live animals - He receives the stigmata – the wounds of Christ.
-The Canticle of the Creatures witnesses to the peace and joy of love and forgiveness. - Francis welcomes Sister Death.
-Francis’s way works through brothers, sisters, priests, and lay Franciscans. -St Francis’s feast day is October 4. - Pope John Paul named St Francis patron saint of ecology.