Imperial Spain Spain was succeeding in almost every aspect (militarily, politically, economically) when Philip II tried to tighten his control on the Netherlands. Spain was succeeding in almost every aspect (militarily, politically, economically) when Philip II tried to tighten his control on the Netherlands.
Philip II
Netherlands we very wealthy part of the Philip’s empire Philip ruled the Netherlands through Margaret of Parma (his half-sister) who used Cardinal Granvelle to administer the area Granville wanted a “politically docile, religiously uniform country.” The Netherlands were composed of historically independent merchant towns.
Granville’s opposition led by William of Orange (a.k.a William of Nassau, William the Silent) Following a political struggle Granville was removed Philip attempted to enforce the decrees of the Council of Trent. This drove Lutherans and Calvinists together. The Compromise (which wasn’t really a compromise)
A rebellion failed due to mistrust between the Lutheran and Calvinists. Philip tried to use the split to his advantage and sent in the Duke of Alba who ruled through fear and violence. Alba was bad enough to unite the Lutherans and Calvinists Alba passes control to Requesens
Requesens dies and the Spanish military (mercenaries who were unpaid and now leaderless) sacked Antwerp – Spanish Fury Spanish Fury accomplishes the politically impossible unites Catholics and Protestants in Netherlands against Spanish Spain surrenders – Perpetual Edict – and William of Orange assumes leadership of united Netherlands
External pressures gave way to internal pressures Union of Arras – southern provinces unite and make peace with Spain Union of Utrecht – uniting of northern provinces * See map page 398
Philip will try to reassert power in the Netherlands but he will also become more involved directly in confrontations in France and England. Spain is spread too thin and as a result the northern provinces drive out the Spanish and are formally recognized as independent by France and England.