Chapter 2, Lesson 4 ACOS #3: Compare major Native American cultures in respect to geographic region, natural resources, government, economy, and religion. ACOS #3a: Locate Native American groups by geographic region.
Key Vocabulary Words 1. lodge-a home that Plains Indians made using bark, earth, and grass. 2. nomad-a person who moves around and does not live in one place. The nomad groups on the western plains relied on the buffalo for food, shelter, and clothing. 3. travois-made from two poles and pulled by a dog or horse. Similar to a sled.
Why did having horses make hunting easier for Western Plains people? Spanish explorers brought horses to North America in the 1500’s. These animals changed the lives of the Plains Indians. Having horses made it easier for the nomad groups to hunt and travel. They could now hunt buffalo from horseback, instead of on foot. They could also use horses to pull travois. In addition, horses made it easier to fight other American Indian groups. Plains Indians valued horses so highly that wealth was measured by how many horses a person owned.