OUTCOME OF THE WAR War ended on March 3rd 1991 Hussein still in power
CASUALTIES DEATH -US and coalition nations : 32 countries 148 killed and 485 wounded from 700,000 militaries -Iraq : about 20,000 to 35,000 militaries about 3000 civilians COST -US and coalition nations’ expenditure : US $ $82bi -Destruction in Kuwait costs about US $170bi taken in charge by Iraq
AFTERMATH IN IRAQ SANCTIONS - August 6, 1990 = for Iraq withdrawal -Iraq’s disarmament and destruction of mass destruction weapons, UN inspections on Iraq’s weapons -embargo = limited imports -sparked Iraq’s humanitarian crisis -April 12, 1995 « Oil-for-Food » program
DISSIDENT CONFLICTS - Civil War with Shiites (South) and Kurds (North) - for « regime changement » - disaster = a lot of death NO-FLY-ZONES -to protect Shiites and Kurds - prohibition for Iraqi aircrafts to fly over those zones
CONSEQUENCES ENVIRONMENTAL -Pollution = Persian Gulf -Huge oil spill -pall which provoked diseases ILLNESSES - among veterans - In Iraq (depleted uranium)