Rock formation Eric Angat Teacher
Essential Question How are rocks formed?
1. What is the Rock cycle? Rock cycle is the process where one type of rock becomes any type of rock. Any type of rock can become any type of rock.
Igneous rock Uplift and exposed to water, wind, etc. Weathering and erosion Sedimentary rock Metamorphic rock sediments Deposition, burial, lithification Heat and pressure Rises on the surface as lava Cooling and crystallization Melted into Magma
Igneous rock uplift Weathering and erosion Sedimentary rock Metamorphic rock sediments Deposition, burial, lithification Heat and pressure Melted intoMagma Cooling and crystallization Heat and pressure uplift
There are three main types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Each of these types of rocks are formed in different ways and each type of rock can be changed into each of the other types of rock. Geologists call this process the Rock Cycle. Essentially the rock cycle is the process that makes and recycles rocks.
2. How was fossil fuel formed?
Multiple choice: Choose your answer from the following: Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic 3. Crystallization of magma forms __________. 4. Burial and compaction form ____________. 5. Heat and pressure form _______________. 6. Deposition of sediment forms ___________. 7. Melting and cooling form ______________. 8. Weathering of rocks forms_______________. Rock Cycle Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Sedimentary Igneous Sedimentary
9. How are rocks recycled? Rocks are recycled when they are broken by weathering and/or melted by magma when they are buried deep underground. Depending on the process that happens next, a new rock is formed.
Tectonic plate movements contributes to the rock cycle. Sea floor spreading happening in the Atlantic Ocean. Subduction happening around the pacific Ocean Volcanic eruptions happening within the Pacific Ring of Fire and other places.
Rocks are classified on how they were formed and what type of minerals is present in them. 1. Igneous – melting and cooling. 2. Sedimentary- sedimentation, compaction, cementation, lithification. 3. Metamorphic – heat and pressure 10. How are rocks classified?
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