The Amazing Sea Star By Patrick Wilson 4/14/10
Animal Name and Habitat The sea star lives in the bottom of the ocean. They also live on rocks and coral reefs.
Type of Animal The sea star is an echinoderm. They are invertebrates.
How it Moves and Breathes The sea star grabs the surface and pulls forward. The sea star moves slowly. Star fish breathe through their feet and have little tiny breathing tubes all over their bodies.
Body Parts and Adaptations The sea star has a disk and arms. The sea star has a mouth. It has 3 small arms and 2 big arms.
Food: What it Eats and How it Gets Food The sea star eats snails, oysters, clams, crabs, worms and other ectoderms. They also eats the brittle star. They use their mouths to eat.
Enemies and Protection The sea star climbs on top of it’s predator for protection. The enemies are gulls.
Interesting Facts Sea stars have no head. One kind of star fish has 40 arms. There are 2000 kinds of star fish. Star fishes lose arms and grow back arms.