Canadian Study of Health and Aging Mortality and Expectation of Life
Canadian Study of Health and Aging Expectation of Life With and Without Dementia: Canadian Women Current Age Number of additional years a woman of that age is expected to live undemented demented
Canadian Study of Health and Aging Age-adjusted Mortality Ratios Mortality Ratio ResidenceCognitive statusWomen Men CommunityNormal1 (reference group) 1 Impaired Demented InstitutionNormal Impaired Demented Source: Can. J. Public Health 1997;88:303
Canadian Study of Health and Aging Progression of Dementia: Survival by Age Category years of survival Proportion surviving
Canadian Study of Health and Aging The Risk of Mortality by Cognitive Scores This diagram shows that the chances of dying within 5 years rise in a linear fashion according to initial 3MS scores