Communications Committee March 6 th 2010
Promotional Literature: We are in production of two tri-folds, one on Awards and one on Women in Engineering. There should be ready for the first conferences. I am presently awaiting an estimate from Cisneros. Booth: All is ready for the first conferences this year.
Distribution: I am investigating the hand-over of the storage and shipping of the booth and the promotional materials. Vista has been doing this for over 10 years and this has to be transitioned to a service as it is unrealistic for a volunteer to do this from home and few of us have access to facilities as I do. The plan, if this works out, would be for this to start in Web Site: The final conversions of the web site are underway. This was/is a much bigger job that originally planned but I hope that new uniformity is effective. The current status of this completion is that it has been delayed 3-4 weeks by getting the PO extended but work has just started with a scheduled completion in about three weeks.
Use of IEEE Master Brand: When using the IEEE logo, please check with the design rules – they can be found by going to and searching on “logo” Slide Templates: Please remember to consider the slide template for your presentations where appropriate.
Membership It has been a good year for new members. This from the January Membership Report: Graphs follow:
IEEE Survey on Reasons for Joining From the January Membership Report:
IEEE General First Year Member Retention
Membership Statistics
Membership % Changes
Thank You! To everyone for working on Member and non-member communications!