DIVERSITAS financial report Doc 17 SC-DIVERSITAS March 2010, Paris, France
Overview of talk 2010 financial report – income and expenditure 2011 projected income and expenditure (2012 projections in Doc 17)
Preamble All figures in Euros! Financials for 2010 have been ratified by chartered accountant FY is calendar year Simple accounts – Scale – No depreciation issues – No accrual accounting issues (WIP/DR etc)
Conclusions financial report 2010 Gross result 2010 for DIVERSITAS: * Positive balance for DIVERSITAS: *35K in 2009
Income – Calendar year 2010 In kind contribution from France: bioDISCOVERY Science Officer (CNRS-INEE); hosting Secretariat (MNHN)
National contributions 2010 USA France Germany-DFG Germany-BMBF United Kingdom The Netherlands-NWO The Netherlands-KNAW Belgium South Africa Norway Sweden (returning) Switzerland Argentina (returning) Spain (decrease) Austria China-Taipei Mexico Slovak Republic
Expenses – Calendar year 2010 In kind costs: Administrative management of ESSP office
OSC2 financial statement: * * Additional 21 participants covered through in kind contributions
Conclusions financial report 2010 Deficit for OSC2 (91K): covered by core funding in Gross result 2010 for DIVERSITAS: Positive balance for DIVERSITAS:
Overview of financial projections 2011 Income 852K + balance carried forward from K = 1.135M Expenditure = 1.135M –To cover normal business + activities toward the new DIVERSITAS strategic plan y new Science Officer (agreed SC 2010 if 2010 budget position allows)
Provisional income 2011 In kind contribution from France: bioDISCOVERY Science Officer (CNRS-INEE); hosting Secretariat (MNHN)
Provisional expenses 2011 In kind costs: Administrative management of ESSP office Positive balance used to: - Fund activities toward the new DIVERSITAS strategic plan - Hire a Science Officer for the Secretariat 59K 36K
Forward budget 2012 Diversitas OSC3?
National contributions 2012 USA Softening? France Germany-DFG Germany-BMBF United Kingdom The Netherlands-NWO The Netherlands-KNAW Belgium South Africa Norway Sweden Switzerland Argentina Spain? Austria China-Taipei Mexico Slovak Republic New contributions sought Australia Philippines Japan
Global tax havens Thank you and good-bye!