Copyright 2009© by chlorophyll brand & communications consultancy pvt ltd. All rights reserved. August 30, 2010 chlorophyll Shri Sadguru Seva Sangh Trust: PowerPoint presentation guidelines
2 This presentation contains guidelines for SSSST’s PowerPoint presentations and examples of usage
3 Title Font: Arial Light Point size: 36 Date Font: Arial Light Point size: 24 Please do write the date in this order: month, date, year Example: February 26, 2009 Instructions for the cover page
4 ^ Title of the presentation August 30, 2010 Cover page example: External presentations
5 Cover page example: Internal presentations Title of the presentation August 30, 2010
6 Header for slides after the cover page If the header has more than 45 letters, please reduce the point size from 36 to 28 (please refer to the example on the next slide) Font: Arial Light Colour for header: White on blue patch Font size for text below header: 20 point (light) Colour for text below header: Black Avoid using numbers and bullets together
7 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed suscipit, nunc vel consequat facilisis, dolor erat fringilla erat, nec semper mi pede id ipsum. Fusce mattis dolor nec elit. Sed aliquet. Etiam euismod fermentum mauris. Donec pulvinar feugiat massa. Nulla facilisi. Trading systems and technology that make transactions smoother, faster
8 Highlighting text Use any of the following: Underline text or make it Bold. Never use all the two together.
9 Divider slide Divider / separator slide Font size: 48 point (light) Colour: Yellow (brand colour) (Refer to example on next slide)
10 Meeting agenda
11 Colours Supplementary colours for graphs/charts and backgrounds in PowerPoint presentations (example on next slide) R39 G54 B145R253 G54 B48 R 255 G153 B0R 255 G255 B0R 255 G255 B51R255 G255 B153R255 G204 B0R255 G153 B51 R204 G51 B51R255 G68 B51R255 G255 B51 Basic colours R0 G186 B251R46 G111 B253R0 G31 B103
12 Colours for graphs and charts Lorem: 50% Ipsum: 25% Lorem: 8% Ipsum: 4% Lorem: 4% Ipsum: 9%
13 Colours to avoid R 204 G0 B204 R 153 G0 B153 R 153 G51 B102 R 204 G0 B255 R 204 G102 B204 R 204 G153 B204 R153 G102 B204 R 102 G51 B102 R 102 G51 B204 R102 G0 B255 R102 G51 B255 R 102 G51 B153 R 102 G0 B204 R 204 G204 B102 R153 G153 B0 R 102 G102 B0 R 51 G102 B0 R0 G102 B51 R51 G102 B51 R0 G51 B51 R102 G0 B102
14 Using images Please make sure text and images do not extend beyond this red line ( the red line is only indicative and should not be used below the actual image). The edge of the image should be aligned to the first letter of the title.
15 Thanks The last slide of any PowerPoint presentation must look like this with the word ‘Thanks’