Introducing Delta Sigma Theta’s Centennial Giving Plan
CE - Centennial Listing Name listed on the BOOK OF CENTENNIAL RECORD to be filed at National Headquarters and prominently displayed. Donation Levels LevelsAmount Centennial Listing $100
MW – Jewels Name listed on the BOOK OF CENTENNIAL RECORD to be filed at National Headquarters and prominently displayed. 5% Discount on Convention/Centennial Registration Recognition at the January 2013 Founders Day Weekend and 2013 Convention Special designation on convention badge as a Centennial Pearl Name in Official Program Donation Levels LevelsAmount Jewels$900
EA- Visionary Name listed on the BOOK OF CENTENNIAL RECORD to be filed at National Headquarters and prominently displayed. Name on the “Centennial Wall of Honor” at National Headquarters. Recognition at the January 2013 Founders Day Weekend and 2013 Convention 20% Discount on Convention/Centennial Registration Name in Official Program Special designation on convention badge as a Centennial Visionary Donation Levels LevelsAmount Visionary$2,013
SO- Pearls Name listed on the BOOK OF CENTENNIAL RECORD to be filed at National Headquarters and prominently displayed. 10% Discount on Convention/Centennial Registration Recognition at the January 2013 Founders Day Weekend and 2013 Convention Name in Official Program Special designation on convention badge as a Centennial Jewel Donation Levels LevelsAmount Pearls$1,300
FW- Violets Name listed on the BOOK OF CENTENNIAL RECORD to be filed at National Headquarters and prominently displayed. Special designation on convention badge as a Centennial Violet Name in Official Program Donation Levels LevelsAmount Violets$220
SW- Delta Centennial, Sigma Centennial, Theta Centennial Chapters Commemorative Certificate Recognition at the January 2013 Founders Day Weekend and 2013 Convention Chapter name in Official Program Donation Levels LevelsAmount Delta Centennial Chapter $2,200 Sigma Centennial Chapter $1,300 Theta Centennial Chapter $900
SA- Delta Sigma Theta Centennial Chapters Chapter Name on Centennial Wall of Honor Commemorative Plaque Recognition at the January 2013 Founders Day Weekend and 2013 Convention Chapter name in Official Program Donation Levels LevelsAmount Centennial Chapter$5,000