Monday 11 th October 2011
Hall How to revise Canteen Controlled Conditions PLTs Oracy Websites/Maths 6.30 – 6.45pm Year 11Year 9Year – 7.05pm Year 10Years 11Year – 7.30pm Year 9Year 10Year 11 A bell will sound at the end of each session – then you have 5 minutes to get your next venue. A bell will sound to start the next session.
Exams aren’t what they used to be! TRUE… Students are now on different pathways All have to sit some exams These now take place at different times of the year (modules) There is no longer coursework – it is now called Controlled Conditions So what can we expect from GCSEs and their equivalents?
Different GCSE’s have different amounts of controlled assessment that count towards the final grade. This ranges from 0%-60%. Controlled assessments can last anything between 1 hour and 30 hours. Each subject has its own rules for controlled assessment regarding what materials can be used, whether work can be completed at home, if notes can be used etc.
These subjects are assessed 100% on “coursework”. All units must be completed for pupils to gain the qualification. Any day of school missed could jeopardise completion. Attendance is vital.
How much is the controlled conditions worth in each subject?
Continual Assessment Continual Effort 98+ % attendance Staff are a resource Lines of Communication Use of e-resources
Please make your way to the Oracy Block for your session on websites and help with GCSE Maths.