The Acts of the Apostles Acts Chapter 2 “Hub of the Bible”


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Presentation transcript:

The Acts of the Apostles Acts Chapter 2 “Hub of the Bible”

A Link Between the Life of Christ & the Epistles Writer Connects to Gospels –Luke 1:1-4 “most excellent Theophilus” –Acts 1:1-3 “O Theophilus” –Luke Ends Gospel account with Jesus preparing to go back to Heaven- Luke 24:49 –Begins Acts with Jesus ascending into Heaven – Acts 1:9

A Link Between the Life of Christ & the Epistles Writer Connects to Gospels –Luke’s Gospel ends with the Promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit – Luke 24:49 “send the Promise of My Father” “endued with power from on high.” –Acts shows the coming of the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:1-4 “all filled with the Holy Spirit”

The End of Acts Links with the Epistles Charts Early Growth of the church

The End of Acts Links with the Epistles Paul facing trial in Rome

Acts Essential to Understanding the Rest of the New Testament Gives Beginning of the church History of the church as it began to reach out to Roman world. Tells us what we need to do to be saved.

A Book of Beginnings Beginning of the church – Chapter 2 –Acts 2:47 “Lord added to the church” Beginning of Gentiles being brought in –Acts 10:28,34,35; 11:17,18

A Book of Beginnings Beginning of Disciples wearing name Christian –Isaiah 62:2; Acts 11:26; Hebrews 12:25 First Martyr for Christ – Stephen stoned to death –Acts 7:54-60

It is a Handbook on How Mankind is Saved from their Sins Four Examples: Pentecost –Acts 2:36-38 Samaritans –Acts 8:12 Ethiopian Eunuch –Acts 8:35-39 Saul of Tarsus –Acts 9:6; 22:16

It is a Handbook on How Mankind is Saved from their Sins Acts 18:8 NKJV 8 Then Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his household. And many of the Corinthians, hearing, believed and were baptized.”