培正的環球學習環境 Global learning environment at Pui Ching CHUNG Wai Tung
Collaborative Learning 協作學習 Cyber Communicating Environment 數碼交往環境 Students 學生 Parents 家長 Teachers 教師 傳播交往 例:新聞組、 討論組 傳播交往 例:新聞組、 討論組 個人交往 例:個人電郵 個人交往 例:個人電郵 互動交往 例:網上交談室、 視像會議 互動交往 例:網上交談室、 視像會議 Cyber Learning Environment 數碼學習環境 電子化歷程 檔案系統 電子化 學習系統 www 全球資源 校本資源 校際資源 內聯網 互聯網 外聯網 Web-citizens 網友 Professionals 專家 協作 支持 電子學園 投入 使用 Knowledge Contributor 智識貢獻者 Autonomous Learner 自主學習者 Facilitator 推動者 Supporter 支持者 Anonymous Contributor 匿名貢獻者
系統平台 互聯網系統 內聯網系統 網絡 / 伺服器 / 電視系統 保安控制系統 學校組織更新 電子化領導 電子化學習 電子化交往環境電子化學習環境 傳播交往 個人交往 互動交往網上資源 引入教育理念 探究式學習 專題式學習 難題式學習 協作式學習 評估式學習 電子化歷程檔案 資訊科技與資訊高速公路基建 應用平台 資源管理系統 學生學習及評估系統 學生表現管理系統 硬件平台 多媒體學習中心 網絡電腦 電腦與電視網絡 保安網絡 電子化文化電子化管理電子化評估電子化學習者為中心課程
cisco networking academy “cisco.netacad.net” Case One The whole Pui Ching Cases starting from cisco networking academy “cisco.netacad.net”
網上閱讀課程內 容及進行考試
We are ready… are you?
What is NETLAB? Is a combination of Software and Hardware that wraps around a 2500 or 2600 series CCNA equipment bundle
What does NETLAB do? Classroom Management Lab Automation Remote Lab Access Configuration Management Curriculum Server Classroom Lecture Tools Lab Reservation Facilities Plus more!!
What Will it Cost? Will depend upon how many CCNA equipment pods you want to install on the system. Initial Costing from 8.5k – 11k which includes the NETLAB equipment but not the base or extra CCNA pods. There is a yearly fee of approximately 3k
What Equipment is in the bundle? Netlab Appliance (server plus software) APC Device Cisco Remote Access Server
Are there any special requirements? There are some specific technical requirements to be able to use this solution. We are piloting this in 100 academies on a first come first served basis.
school forum global knowledge bases “student.puiching.edu.hk” “ “ Case Two Starting from our school forum and ending with the global knowledge bases “student.puiching.edu.hk” “ “
Some students, teachers, alumni post up photos and links …
Use of search engines
language issues Global learning issue is a language issues
Wikipedia is ONE of the best Knowledge bases on the Internet
Real time studies first hand materials “student.puiching.edu.hk” “ Case Three Real time studies and first hand materials “student.puiching.edu.hk” “
Cases common keys 24 x 7, anytime anywhere : outside the classrooms and even outside the school Full range of participants : students, teachers, alumni, field experts, etc. Use of Internet knowledge bases Use of multiple languages : Chinese and/or English First hand materials : real and fresh! Participants population and their behaviors
e-collaborative interactive learning with remote classrooms Case Four e-collaborative interactive learning with remote classrooms
Recent focus: e-collaborative interactive learning Language and communication skill Talk with another smart devices through the Internet - Wide Area Collaboration (between classrooms, between schools, or even between cities) Save all In-Class collaborations for further review
e-collaborative biology lesson ( )
Chinese discussion activities ( )
On going events More e-collaboration to BJYC and SGHH in daily teaching and learning activities All-in-One e-collaborative environmentPut everything together – All-in-One e-collaborative environment Extend the project to other countries: - Macau/China Pui Ching Middle School - Some HK ESF schools - Some Australia schools
Technical considerations Strong computer network administration team Global connections Forum management techniques
Pui Ching Middle School Servers Summary 2002 Internal LAN Router cisco 1601 HKTIMS T1 PC workstations Proxy Server (Sun ultra 10) Domain & DHCP server (NT 4.0) File, Print & Web server Media Server (NT4.0) Data Server (Teacher only) (Linux) Firewall (Linux) Default Gateway (Linux) Web, Ftp & News Server Power Users Student.puiching.edu.hk (Linux) Web, Ftp & Database Servers Project Servers CD Tower SAMS server (NT 4.0) SPMNet Servers (NT 4.0) Domain server Database server Resource Server (Win2k) Firewall (Linux) Proxy Server HGC 10M-BB Thin Client Server (Sun E450) Ray-1 clients MAC workstations Schoolteam Server Cluster (ST2000+) Mail, Ftp, Web servers
Forum management techniques The Pui Ching polices Starting an investigation Tricks to increase population Tricks to improve discussion quality