"The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission" Attila BERCZIK Common Support Centre (CSC) Business Process Management - 'H2020 Grant Management' H2020 Amendments – the business process explained – H2020 Horizon 2020 Coordinators' Day Brussels, 24/FEB/2016
H2020 Grant Lifecycle
H2020 Grant Lifecycle (2)
… and some metrics … and some metrics more than unique users of the IT system more than electronic documents stored in e-repository Grant Preparation (GAP) More than grant agreements e-signed Other GAs are under preparation Consortium initiated amendments (AMDC) 690 amendments signed and in force Other 360 is under preparation More than 100 with on-going EC assessment Reporting (REPA) More than 8,000 deliverables submitted 700 fully integrated reporting processes started, 130 concluded.
E-flow, paperless, endorsed with e-signature No evolution, no negotiation of requests: no modification Agreement or rejection Request for complementary information Time-bound process: 45 ‑ day time limit for processing Extension possible Tacit rejection - if no reaction within 45 days deadline Withdrawal is possible by the requesting party Key characteristics
Request for amendment – in 4 steps 1.Launch 1.Launch the amendment preparation in PPGMS 2.Prepare 2.Prepare – compose amendment 3.Consultation 3.Consultation – optional 4.Sign & Submit 4.Sign & Submit the amendment to EC Disclaimer: The following slides are used for demonstration purposes only.
STEP 1: Launch the amendment preparation Precondition: The GA is valid and signed by both parties. STEP 1: Launch
11 cancel Possibility to cancel at any moment before Signature
STEP 2: preparation - automated assistance Automatic selection of the relevant Amendment Types (GA clauses), based on the GA data modified Listing of relevant (compulsory) supporting documents Better overview and tracking of all changes Note: an amendment may consists of a number of possible clauses which are pre-defined
14 Justification
15 Amendment types are automatically selected Full overview of the modifications
17 If required : System prompts for new Annex 1 - Part B
STEP 3: Consultation (optional)
22 Justification
23 STEP 4: Sign and submit Who Who: The coordinator PLSIGN (on behalf of the consortium) How How: prompted for e-signature What What: amendment request letter + core amendment sealed, signed The formal submission triggers the 45-days clock
26 Request for additional information
STEP 1: Launch the amendment preparation Precondition: The GA is valid and signed by both parties.
The designed business process and the supporting IT suite helping you TO DO THE RIGHT THINGS! Your role is TO DO THINGS RIGHT! 30