Rule 1- The Playing Area Below Goal Markings (Dots) –Use for penalty administration in CSA below goal line extended. –May be temporary marks White or single contrasting
End line Below Goal Markings 5 yds.
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms The Ball –Lime green may be used In addition to yellow and orange.
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms Mouthpiece –May NOT have graphics of white teeth
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms Eye Protection –Both ASTM F3077 and ASTM F803 may be used for –Only ASTM F803 may be used beginning January 1, 2017.
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms Headgear –Beginning January 1, 2017, players choosing to wear headgear: Must meet ASTM standard F3137 for lacrosse
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms Logo –1 Manufacturer’s logo/trademark Not bigger than 2 ¼ by 2 ¼ square Includes any company reference
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms Uniforms –Beginning January 1, 2018 Home teams’ jerseys shall be light Visiting teams’ jerseys shall be dark Visible undergarments under jerseys –Shall be light with light –Shall be dark with dark LegalIllegal
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms Visible undergarments under jerseys –Shall be light with light –Shall be dark with dark ILLEGAL
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms Visible undergarments under jerseys –Shall be light with light –Shall be dark with dark LEGAL
Rule 2- Equipment and Uniforms Facial Adornment –Eye black 1 solid stroke No Logos, Numbers or Letters Shall not extend further than width of eye socket Shall not extend below the cheekbone Illegal
RULE 3 – Game Personnel Officials –Recommend 2 US Lacrosse rated officials –Must have 2 certified officials State Associations may consider exceptions
RULE 3 – Game Personnel Captains –Pre-game meeting Choose direction or 1 st possession
Rule 4 – Time Factors and Scoring Sudden Victory Overtime –1 st goal wins –5 minute rest –Coin flip for direction only (visitor calls) Alternate possession continues from regulation
Rule 4 – Time Factors and Scoring –No goal after 3 mins Change ends and draw No substitution No coaching –No goal after 6 mins 3 min rest Substitutions and coaching allowed Change ends and draw –Continues until winner
Rule 5 – Play of the Game –No substitutions on re-draw
Rule 5 – Play of the Game Goalkeepers –May not shoot –May not score –May not draw –May not be between restraining line on draw Violations = Major Foul
Rule 5 – Play of the Game Alternate Possession –Replaces Throw All the situations that were previously throws 1 st possession is given to team as determined at Captains’ meeting
Rule 5 – Play of the Game Alternate Possession Visual Indicator at scorer’s table –Record kept by scorer –May have “electronic arrows” on scoreboard but not required –“Arrow” changes on restart whistle –Who’s Time out? Once possession is determined – only that team may take TO until next restart whistle
Rule 5 – Play of the Game –Alternate Possession Administration 2 closest players to spot of foul/incident Outside Critical Scoring Area –Spot of incident no closer than 4m to boundary »Opponent 4m away on defensive goal side Inside Critical Scoring Area below GLE –Dot –Opponent 4m Away on defensive goal side
Rule 5 – Play of the Game –Alternate Possession Administration 2 closest players to spot of foul/incident Inside Critical Scoring Area above GLE –Closest 8m mark on GLE –Opponent 4m Away on GLE »Either side –Clear lane above GLE »If necessary
ALTERNATE POSSESSION –Signal Mechanics Time out Offsetting signal if fouls or Alternate Possession signal if not foul Directional
Rule 5 – Play of the Game –Illegal Player Discovered after goal, before draw Free Position at center
Rule 6 – Fouls –Dangerous Contact Action that thrusts or shoves defenseless player –Head down –Out of visual field –In air or out of balance Especially in: –Kidneys –Ribs, lower back –Head or neck area Mandatory Card
Rule 6 – Fouls Three Seconds –Criteria for call has not changed –Major Foul –May flag Penalty administration has changed –Spot of administration is determined by where the ball is when the call is made.
Rule 7 – 3 Seconds Penalty Administration –Ball outside CSA = Spot of ball offender 4m behind –Ball in CSA = 8m or 12m (based on ball) Clear arc or lane Offender 4m behind –Ball in CSA below= Dot offender 4m behind
Rule 7 – Delay of Game New Penalty Administration –1 st offense = Green Card to team –2 nd offense = Green/Yellow Card to player Offender must leave No sub Team plays short Card does not count in “card count” –3 rd offense = Yellow Card (Misconduct) to player Team plays short Card does count in “card count” and player total
Rule 7 - GOALKEEPER MISCONDUCT Yellow Card –1 Dressed GK Must remain in the game Coach must designate another player to leave the field and enter the penalty area –2 nd dressed GK, She must substitute Coach must designate another player who must leave the field along with the carded goalkeeper and enter the penalty area
Rule 7 - GOALKEEPER MISCONDUCT Second Yellow or Red –2 nd dressed GK She must substitute Coach must designate another player who must leave the field along with the carded goalkeeper and enter the penalty area –No 2 nd dressed GK Goalkeeper must leave the field and enter the penalty area No substitution is made
Rule 8- Definitions Critical Scoring Area –Fan above goal line extended –Extends straight down from fan to end line
Rule 8- Definitions FREE POSITION is the penalty awarded for any foul. The player taking the free position may run, pass or shoot HELD WHISTLE is when the official refrains from enforcing a rule when a player is fouled and maintains quality possession and calling the foul would disadvantage the non-offending team.
Rule 8- Definitions ILLEGAL PLAYER is an extra player, suspended player, or a player not listed or incorrectly listed on the roster and/or in the score book at the start of the game SUBSEQUENT FOUL is one that occurs after the initial foul has been called. For example, a player is awarded a free position because of a foul by her opponent but then before play starts she, or her team commits another foul such as taunting the opponent.
Youth Rules U/11 and below –Should play 7 v 7 U/9 and below –Must play 1 v 1 in arc – no 3 seconds rule –No Draw Alternate possession at center after goals
New Signals Dangerous Play Misconduct Dangerous Contact Alternate Possession
Points of Emphasis Dangerous Contact -Dangerous action against defenseless player Game Management -Be aware of patterns, use all tools available Offensive Fouls -Watch for dangerous play in the sphere, lack of body control
STICK CHECKS –Pre-game stick checks include pocket and for alterations. Measurements in Appendix B are for support of suspected irregularities. It is NOT the intent of the rules for umpires to measure every stick. If the stick can be fixed and rechecked prior to start of game = no penalty If the stick cannot be fixed and rechecked prior to start of game = no penalty and stick goes to table
REQUESTED STICK CHECKS Requested Stick Checks (2) –Stoppage of play –Must include player’s number –Any stick in use on the field Does NOT include sub box or bench area Pocket Depth or Alteration –Illegal = Minor Foul at spot of ball
STICK SPECIFICATIONS Stick Specifications –May be illegal if design is clear attempt to circumvent intent of rules –Heads must be attached with screw(s) –Prohibited (not all inclusive) Baking Drilling additional holes Breaking/reconstructing with adhesive material Stretching Pinching Shaving
STICK SPECIFICATIONS Sidewall stringing –Each attachment must be no more than 1.5 inches from its adjacent attachment Measured in straight line Hole to hole –Inside edge to inside edge
STICK SPECIFICATIONS Thongs –Attached through holes in scoop and ball stop May be attached to second material –2 nd material must be no more than: ».5 inches from bottom of scoop »1.5 inches from ball stop
Attached to Secondary Material No more than.5 inches from bottom of Scoop Through holes in Scoop Attached with Secondary Material No more than 1.5 inches from Ball Stop
STICK SPECIFICATIONS Thongs –May not be more than 1.5” apart Measured from inside Regardless of material –Must be basically evenly spaced (not bunched) From Scoop to Ball Stop May not touch in upper 1/3 of head
Basically even – not bunched
STICK SPECIFICATIONS Thongs –Loose ends May not weave back up through pocket or sidewall Must remain below the ball stop –Additional pocket attachment stringing May not be tied behind the pocket above the ball stop –Additional stringing is not allow
STICK SPECIFICATIONS Shooting Strings –May have no more than 2 –Must be attached directly to both sidewalls –May not be crossed –May not touch beyond the outside thongs
LEGAL SHOOTING STRINGS Attached to both sidewalls Not Touching
STICK SPECIFICATIONS Shooting Strings –Watch for alteration of the strings that may: Technically meet specifications but allow for unfair advantage, such as: –Top string close to scoop and bottom string in position to form a “lip” or “cup” to control draw –Both strings close enough together to channel the ball between them and the scoop to gain control on the draw