The incredible Ms. Craft Ms. Craft’s first jump out of an airplane took place at 3000 feet in the air. She wants to do it again, but being somewhat senile, she afraid she will forget to pull her ripcord and hit the ground and die. The function modeling her fall would be h = -16 t where h = height and t = time in seconds. Make a graph of Mrs. Craft’s potential free fall to her death. A = ________ b = ____________ c =_________ The y intercept is_________________ (Graph it) The axis of symmetry is ________________ (draw your dotted line) The vertex is (, ) (graph it) Does the graph open up or down ? ________ Graph a point that is the reflection of the y intercept on the other side of the axis of symmetry. (, ) Graph one more point on each side of the axis of symmetry. Show all 5 points on the table of values Now, how long will Ms. Craft be in the air before she crashes to earth?__________ (quadratic formula) What is the highest Ms. Craft will be?___________ What is your x value, time or height on your graph? What is your y value? Hint…what depends on what? Look at the equation xy vertex Y intercept Reflect of y Intercept point Thoughts When you plug in your x value into the equation, is the negative in front of the t 2 part of the number you got? If you do this on the calculator, be prepared to adjust your windows!!!!!!! Hint, make y go up by 1000 feet every five spaces Hint, make x intervals of 4
The Insane Cannon problem On a dare, Sonny was shot from a cannon. The function modeling Sonny’s flight was h = - t t where h = height and t = time in seconds. Make a graph of Sonny’s flight. A = ________ b = ____________ c =_________ The y intercept is_________________ (Graph it) The axis of symmetry is ________________ (draw your dotted line) The vertex is (, ) (graph it) Does the graph open up or down ? ________ Graph a point that is the reflection of the y intercept on the other side of the axis of symmetry. (, ) Graph one more point on each side of the axis of symmetry. Show all 5 points on the table of values Now, how long was Sonny in the air ?________ How high did Sonny go?_______ How long did it take him to get to the highest point?_____________ What is your x value, time or height on your graph? What is your y value? Hint…what depends on what? Look at the equation xy vertex Y intercept Reflect of y Intercept point Thoughts When you plug in your x value into the equation, is the negative in front of the t 2 part of the number you got? If you do this on the calculator, be prepared to adjust your windows!!!!!!! Hint, make y go up by 25 Hint, make x intervals of 3
The Golf Lovers problem Bailey teed off on the 4 th hole with her driver where it landed in the local lake. The fourth hole tee is on a hill 10 feet above the fairway. The flight of the ball is modeled by the equation h = - t 2 +4t + 10 where h = height and t = time in seconds. Make a graph of the flight of Bailey’s ball A = ________ b = ____________ c =_________ The y intercept is_________________ (Graph it) The axis of symmetry is ________________ (draw your dotted line) The vertex is (, ) (graph it) Does the graph open up or down ? ________ Graph a point that is the reflection of the y intercept on the other side of the axis of symmetry. (, ) Graph one more point on each side of the axis of symmetry. Show all 5 points on the table of values Now, how long was the ball in the air before it hit the water?________ (quadratic formula) How high in the air did the ball get?_______ How long did it take the ball to get to the highest point?_____________ What is your x value, time or height on your graph? What is your y value? Hint…what depends on what? Look at the equation xy vertex Y intercept Reflect of y Intercept point Thoughts When you plug in your x value into the equation, is the negative in front of the t 2 part of the number you got? If you do this on the calculator, be prepared to adjust your windows!!!!!!! Hint, make y go up by 1 Hint, make x intervals of 1
Ms. Craft’s ex-husband David is an Indy Car driver. He is approaching a curve and must slow down. The equation that models his deceleration is s = 3t 2 -30t where s = speed and t = time in seconds. Make a graph of David’s speed on the curve. A = ________ b = ____________ c =_________ The y intercept is_________________ (Graph it) The axis of symmetry is ________________ (draw your dotted line) The vertex is (, ) (graph it) Does the graph open up or down ? ________ Graph a point that is the reflection of the y intercept on the other side of the axis of symmetry. (, ) Graph one more point on each side of the axis of symmetry. Show all 5 points on the table of values What was David’s slowest speed in the curve?__________ How long did it take him to get to his slowest speed?___________ After 12 seconds, David was able to get his speed back up to full speed in the straight way. How fast was he going?_______ What did the 150 in the model stand for? _______ Why wasn’t he going at her top speed when he entered the turn?_________________________ xy vertex Y intercept Reflect of y Intercept point Thoughts When you plug in your x value into the equation, is the negative in front of the t 2 part of the number you got? If you do this on the calculator, be prepared to adjust your windows!!!!!!! Hint, start your y at 60 and go up by 10 mph Hint, make x intervals of 1 second
Throwing Watermelons off the Roof. Joe and Juan love to throw watermelons off of buildings to see them splat. Joe just likes to gently drop them, but Juan likes to throw them as fast as he can, about 32 feet per second. They have found a building 250 feet high. Joe’s watermelon drop can be modeled by : h = -16t and Juan’s can be modeled by h = -16t 2 -32t +250 where h = height and t = time in seconds. Make a graph of Joe’s drop. A = ________ b = ____________ c =_________ The y intercept is_________________ (Graph it) The axis of symmetry is ________________ (draw your dotted line) The vertex is (, ) (graph it) Graph it until it hits the ground. Now graph Juan’s drop the same way xy vertex Y intercept Reflect of y Intercept point Whose watermelon will splat first and how much sooner will it hit ground? Hint, start your y at 0 and go up 20 feet per unit Hint, make x intervals of 1 second per 3 units A = ________ b = ____________ c =_________ The y intercept is_________________ (Graph it) The axis of symmetry is ________________ (draw your dotted line) The vertex is (, ) (graph it) Graph it until it hits the ground. xy