Learning the Basics How to make all different kinds of knots
The Forward Knot The forward knot requires that you make two hitches using the left string on top of the right string. After doing so, the strings should have switched place, and the color of the knot will be the same as the color of the string that began on the left.
The Backward Knot The backward knot requires that you make two hitches on the left string using the right one. The strings switches place just like in the forward knot.
The Forward Backward Knot 1. Use the left string to tie one hitch on top of the right string. 2. Let the strings switch place. 3. Use the currently right string to make a left hitch on top of the left string. 4. Let the strings change place. The strings changed places 2 times, which means they are in the same position they started in.
The Backward Forward Knot 1. Use the right string to tie one hitch on top of the left string. 2. Let the strings switch place. 3. Use the currently left string to make a right hitch on top of the right string. 4. Let the strings change place. The strings changed places 2 times, which means they are in the same position they started in.
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