Follow BTF 1. String 4(A) then weave in circle to create 1 RAW. Tie a knot to secure. 1 Beaded Bangle Jewelry Kit Code: TB1K Materials (A) yellow seedbeads (B) blue seedbeads Thread Needle Step by step Instructions You can download detailed guide from Beading terms to follow (BTF): 1.Pinch the end of the thread using flat nose pliers to flatten. Thread a needle at one end. 2.To end, tie a knot and pass thru several beads then cut off excess thread. 3.Pass thru means pass the thread to the next bead. 4.RAW means unit of right angle weave String 3(A) shown as beads b, c, d. Weave clockwise and pass beads a (previous RAW), b & come out c. 3. Pull the thread. You have 2nd RAW. 4 5 String 3(A) shown as beads e, f, g. Weave counter-clockwise and pass beads c (previous RAW), e & come out f. Pull and you have 3rd RAW.
321 Repeat Step 4 & 5 and create 1, 2, 3 RAW. Repeat Step 4 & 5 again, but come out bead h. 6 String 3(A). Weave counter-clockwise and come out bead i. You now have a start of 2nd row. 7 String 2(A) shown as beads k & l. Weave clockwise and pass j & i. 8 9 Pull the thread and come out i. Pass thread thru beads k, l & come out m. 10 String 2(A). Weave counter-clockwise and pass beads l & m. 11
Pull thread and come out bead n. 12 Repeat Step until you get to the end of the row. Flip your beadwork so you weave again from right to left. Repeat Step until you reach your desired length. 13 You have A & B sides. Connect the 2 ends to create a circle/bracelet. Weave clockwise and counter-clockwise as you string 1(A) to create a RAW and connect the sides. 14 You haver our base RAW - the bracelet. Add 1st layer. Have your thread come out a bead in horizontal position. String 1(A) then pass thru the next bead. Repeat weaving from left to right. 15
Then create RAW on 1st layer. Have your thread come out a horizontal bead from the 1st layer. Weave clockwise and counter-clockwise as you string 1(A) to create a RAW. 16 Add 2nd layer. Have your thread come out a bead in vertical position. String 1(B) then pass thru the next bead in vertical position. Weave up & down asyou string 1(B). 17 Then create a RAW on 2nd layer with seedbead (B). 18 Finally, insert seedbead (A) on RAW from 2nd layer. To end follow BTF 2. 19