Jag Tuli NSDD Meeting, St Petersburg, June 07 Nuclear Wallet Cards 6/07 Jagdish Tuli* National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory *Email:


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Presentation transcript:

Jag Tuli NSDD Meeting, St Petersburg, June 07 Nuclear Wallet Cards 6/07 Jagdish Tuli* National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory * Brookhaven Science Associates

Jag Tuli NSDD Meeting, St Petersburg, June 07 Nuclear Wallet Cards-Green

Jag Tuli NSDD Meeting, St Petersburg, June 07 Nuclear Wallet Cards-Green Published in March 2004, stock exhausted. Intended for field personnel, e.g., Homeland Security. Limited to Naturally-Occurring nuclides + those with half-life >1 h. Limited to half-life, decay modes, major gamma rays.

Jag Tuli NSDD Meeting, St Petersburg, June 07 Nuclear Wallet Cards-Green Table of gamma-rays with principal source. Useful appendices.

Jag Tuli NSDD Meeting, St Petersburg, June 07 Nuclear Wallet Cards-2005

Jag Tuli NSDD Meeting, St Petersburg, June 07 Nuclear Wallet Cards-2005 It is the seventh edition (2005). Ten thousand copies published. About half have already been distributed. Distributed to APS, DNP membership.

Jag Tuli NSDD Meeting, St Petersburg, June 07 Nuclear Wallet Cards-2005 The sixth edition is archived by NNDC as it has been adopted as the half-life standard for the US DOE nuclear- material inventory control.