Chapter 32 Cold War
After WWII There were only two real victors: USSR & US – East vs. West – Communism vs. Capitalism – Dictatorship vs. Liberal Democracy The world was in shambles Decolonization – Some wanted to get away – Some were so devastated it was easier to let them go – Some tried to hold on French: Vietnam and Algeria
Yalta Conference 1945 FDR wants help with Japan so he makes promises to Stalin – Manchuria UN confirmed How to divide Germany into occupied zones Disputes over the smaller nations in eastern Europe
Potsdam July 1945 Russia occupied most of Eastern Europe including eastern Germany Agreed that – Soviets would take most of eastern Poland – Germany divided and occupied – Austria divided and occupied
Germany: 4 Zones
How did others feel about USSR United States – Truman not as ok with Soviets as FDR was – Felt strong because of the A Bomb – Denied reconstruction loans – Tried to help countries that didn’t like the USSR Britain – Churchill very scared of Communist – Iron Curtain – Division between the free and the oppressed
Marshall Plan 1947 Program of substantial loans designed to aid Western Europe rebuild Seen by USSR to be a way for the US to excerpt pressure and dominance – A way to back countries to keep them from becoming communist
Truman Doctrine 1947 Stated that the US would give political, military or economic assistance to any country under threat of internal authoritarian forces This is a different foreign policy for the US – Not pulling back from world affairs – Instead they are actively involving themselves and even taking a dominate role
How do we keep this from happening again? Did we learn our lesson NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) – Most of the West and Canada – Used Germany as a buffer from communism Rearm Warsaw Pact: Eastern European Satellites – Wanted to develop its own nuclear capabilities
The rise of the United States The US becomes the worlds super power Defender of democratic and capitalistic values Red Scare – Many people were afraid of communist and that created a strange dynamic in the US Establishment of the CIA Eisenhower in the 50s started this idea of Containment of the Soviet Union – Large peacetime military
The Resurgence of Western Europe Moved forward in 3 ways – Extension of democratic political system Liberal democracy – A modification of nation-state rivalries Deal with your neighbors better – A commitment to economic growth
Liberal Democracy Movement toward fully democratic constitutions – Even Germany – Parliament with universal suffrage – 1970 Spain and Portugal no more Fascist Very different from the East
Welfare State State helping with social issues – Unemployment insurance – Healthcare – Family assistance – Housing Made government bureaucracies much larger and took a lot more money