Narrative Narratives are interesting stories; the series of events are told in first, second or third person. Narrative writers always “show” instead of “tell” by using a lot of figurative language.
An abstract painting does not normally contain recognizable objects. We can't look at the painting and immediately say "that's a house" or "that's a bowl of fruit." Abstract art looks a bit like a child's finger-painting: brightly colored splotches on a canvas. **Avoid abstract language. Use concrete words and ideas to help the reader understand what you're trying to say! Examples: Abstract: It was a nice day. Concrete: The sun was shining and a slight breeze blew across my face. Abstract: I liked writing poems, not essays. Concrete: I liked writing short, rhythmic poems and hated rambling on about my thoughts in those four-page essays. Abstract: Mr. Smith was a great teacher. Concrete: Mr. Smith really knew how to help us turn our thoughts into good stories and essays.
Narratives: 5 Major Components 1) What are sensory details? -Detailed description of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. 2) Vivid verbs (Ex. Walk) 3) Figures of Speech/figurative language – Simile, metaphor, personification, exaggeration, understatement
Narratives 4) Dialogue – Dialogue is always meaningful. **Each time a different person speaks, start a new paragraph. Direct quotations have quotation marks. Jenny declared, “ I am sick of the rain getting in my shoes.” Jordan knowingly smiled and explained, “I wear my rain boots and then change shoes when I get inside.” Indirect quotations do not. Jenny declared that she was sick of the rain getting in her shoes.
Narratives 5) Theme The story itself may seem simple, but there is always a purpose for telling the story. *Put the theme near the beginning of the essay- like a thesis statement- explain the main lesson learned from the story. This foreshadows the important themes and details for the reader to notice as you tell it. A narrative essay does not need suspense. Example: If you are writing a narrative about a great one-day trip you took with friends, the thesis could be: "Spending time with close friends gives memories that can last forever, even if the trip is just one day.”