INFSO-RI-508833 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE Training Plans David Fergusson – Activity Manager 10-11/03/2005.


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Presentation transcript:

INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE Training Plans David Fergusson – Activity Manager 10-11/03/2005

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 2 Introduction EU Review Report Plans for the next 15 months Deliverables/Milestones until end of the project

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 3 Training numbers: participant days Participant DaysTarget% of year 1 target % Induction %Developer %Advanced % Workshops Subset of courses run – for which data is available >1200 Gilda Certificates issued – 10% renewed * CORRECTED FIGURES HIGHLIGHTED

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 4 Issues in review text ‘Slight under staffing’ Increases in UEDIN and Karlsruhe recently, and continuing to recruit for specific purposes t-Infrastructure ‘Supporting broader set of users on gLite and LCG2’ Increasing hardware and staff support ‘notes absence of federations in France and Iberia’ Already successfully addressed with support form other activities – highly appreciated!

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 5 QA main comments from the EU Review NA3 In brief, it will be very good to understand their motivation for taking a course and to assess their training satisfaction with regard to their goals. JPP: are there statistics of how many people fail to get a place on a course? JPP: Among attendees, are statistics kept on which belong to EGEE already, will become part of the project in the future, etc.? Atkinson: registration through NESC gathers these statistics. putting up “course full” deters people from applying, and demand certainly exceeds capacity to provide. Also difficulty due to federated registration practices As extension to MNA3.3 we are planning to ask trainers to contact their trainees with a satisfaction and outcome survey Already recorded on attendance form – modify analysis slightly

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 6 Milestones and deliverables PM 12 MNA3.3 External review PM15 DNA Training plan revision PM15 DNA Progress report PM24 MNA 3.4 External review PM24 DNA Progress report Combine PM24 deliverable and milestone and present at end PM21 (January 2006)?

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 7 External review Set for 15 th April at NeSC, Edinburgh Access Grid and VRVS feeds + recording Morning – presentations to panel (Overview, management, federations). Afternoon – panel writes report Panel: Theirry Priol (or rep), Claus Jacobs, Leena al Husseini, Bob Jones, Bob Mann, Kenneth Brodlie, Alex Grey, Steve McGough

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 8 Extending the review Plan to ask federations to survey trainees as to: –Satisfaction –Outcome (now grid user) –Conversion to trainer? (extend DNA 3.1.1/2) – improve Federation reporting of plans (not forgotten)

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 9 eLearning Appointed Boon Low at UEDIN to develop framework –Experienced developer in this area Initial likely standard is SAKI –However recent release WS support not as full as expected –Review of technology and ‘position paper’ at Athens ? Supporting SMIL (XHTML extensions) system pioneered by GRNET Extending use of AccessGrid support –Delivering WS training over AG to FZK next week.

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 10 Further developments to Materials archive and processes Additional search criteria, eg. language Web access to add training events and statistics (available by Athens) Web requests for registration support (available by Athens) Start training news letter (?)

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 11 gLite migration Advertising for developer –Specifically to port EDG tutorial, develop from JRA1 test suite FZK examined early gLite (however doesn’t relate to current) INFN plans for gLite UEDIN plans to install gLite ASAP for experience Russian federation already produced training material comparing LCG2/gLite

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 12 Other areas DF & Oliver Malham developing biomed example (BLAST parameter sweep) – –also to be used as basis for BBSRC proposal –Plus can be extended as a ‘how to create grid app’ for other domains Related projects training – eg. DILIGENT, EMBRACE Extending ‘Live CD’ – eg. UK distro, INFN UI install, FZK investigating virtualisation for ‘grid in a box’

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 13 User Information Group Work plan accepted by PEB Work begun by groups.

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 14 ICEAGE International Collaboration to Extend and Advance Grid Education. Create forum of experts to advise and improve grid training Support European Academic grid training Support and develop Grid Summer Schools. ~ 2 M Euros Build on EGEE experience Submission 17 th March ( no sleep until……!). Also supporting EGEODE application and BIOSIMGRID (China bid)

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 15 Recent events 4 Training events in Russia Dissemination training GATE developers training (Biomed, Julich) Web Services training

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 16 Forthcoming events SMIL training (GRNET) – UK and Athens Globus Week (UK) Web Services (Access Grid) – UK/Germany DILIGENT EMBOSS PRISM forum (Pharma, UK) PPARC summer school (UK) CERN summer school GridKa summer school (FZK) GGF summer school Budapest summer school 3 x gLite training dates set in UK. Discussing supporting SA1 events with Alistair

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 17 Context of the Review How does the training program relate to the goals put forward in the review? –Concentrate on ‘consolidating ‘ existing communities  Particularly biomed  Importance of EBI for attracting Bioinformatics users IMPOSSIBLE to overstate (think of HEP without CERN) –Advancing the focus on gLite

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Overview of EU Review report and next steps - AA meeting - 10/03/05 18 Training and EGEE II ? Staff retention – what message are we sending to the staff of federations?