Research — The Big Issues Rosamund Sutherland Graduate School of Education University of Bristol
Aims of research instigated by NCETM to investigate ‘what works’ in terms of professional development in mathematics to develop a culture of action research being part of CPD by encouraging teachers to become active researchers and supporting them in doing so to develop communities of practice as a result of the research.
Why research? Research is a form of inquiry which enables us to learn from experimentation. Research can inform development. Research can inform policy and practice.
Building research capacity Building research capacity involves developing a resource of: people who have research expertise tools for carrying out research (e.g language, research instruments, methodologies) tools for communicating the research
What is CPD for teachers of mathematics? “ Any CPD for teachers and lecturers of mathematics should comprise three components: mathematics content knowledge, subject specific pedagogy and embedding in practice. It should be cumulative and sustained over a period of time leading to appropriate recognition and/or accreditation. ” Hoyles, 2005
Aims of large-scale research project 1.To characterise different types of continuing professional development for teachers of mathematics (to include both formal and informal experiences). 2.To investigate the interrelated factors that contribute to ‘effective’ continuing professional development in mathematics. 3.To illuminate the types of evidence that could demonstrate that CPD is informing teachers’ practices and students’ learning.
4To investigate the influence of the NCETM portal on professional development for teachers of mathematics. 5To establish the roles of research in professional development for teachers of mathematics. 6 To inform future initiatives of NCETM. Aims of large-scale research project
How are we finding out about CPD?
A distributed research project
Phases of project Phase 1 April - July 2007: Identify CPD initiatives in England; advertise for director of research project and 2/3 researchers. Phase 2 July - Sept 2007: Choose sample of CPD initiatives (40/50) and establish distributed research team. Phase 3 Oct July 2008: Kick-off meeting; Research with selected CPD initiatives; 1st report. Phase 4 Aug 2008 –Mar 2009: Summer school; Ongoing research with smaller sample; final report.
Proposed outcomes of major research project Systematic studies capable of warranting the conclusions to be drawn from the project. Accessible case studies and reports through which the NCETM can broadcast the messages from the research. Demonstrated building of research capacity amongst teachers engaged with the project. Development of communities of research practice.