There’s a guy with a broken leg laying on the sidewalk . What do you do? Call 911 Stand on him Ask “Are you ok?” Try to help him up
He got better. Next
Someone you don’t know sends you a friend request on Facebook. What do you do? Tell him you will report him to the police Sure. What’s you’re number? Do nothing Leave me alone Confirm it, chat with him and say where you live
He turned out to be a 45 year old criminal guy and got arrested Next
You try to break into a museum. The front door A door on the roof A window Ask a security guard if you can go in
You got an old expensive shiny thing. Next
You just found out that you’re best friend is a serial killer. You just found out that you’re best friend is a serial killer. Whenever he calls you make up an excuse Still be friends Call the police without him/her knowing
He got life in prison. Next
Big dog Chasing you. What do you do? Knock over a trash can while it’s chasing you to trip it Play dead Run into you’re house
You get in just in time and hear it scratching at you’re door for hours until it goes away. Don’t click this
You’re swimming and a shark bites you. You are still alive and are half-way sticking out of its mouth. What do you do? Do nothing Punch It in the eye Scratch it with you’re fingernails Stab it
You blinded it. It went away trying to find you again… Next
You’re on fire. What do you do? Take a bath Just stand there Run around Spray yourself
You’re ok now. Next
I have 3 apples. I threw away 2. How many do I have? (TRICK QUESTION) Oh wow. Its 1. I don’t know … I don’t know …
I said that I HAVE 3 apples. Not HAD Next
A blue house is made of blue bricks. A purple house is made of purple bricks. A red house is made of red bricks. What color bricks is a green house made out of? GREEN …blue Bricks Glass
Greenhouses are made out of glass. Not green houses. Next
There's a guy speeding down the road in a black Corvette. All of the sudden, a man wearing all black runs into the middle of the road and the man driving the car skids to a stop. How did he know to stop? I don’t know?! The headlights were on It wasn't night
A plane to New York holding 97 people crashes and lands in Pennsylvania. 60 people died. 20 were injured. The remaining 37 weren't hurt. How many survivors were buried? You don’t bury survivors. -47