Missouri Energy Workforce Consortium Update for CEWD Midwest Regional Meeting June 29, 2009
MEWC Organizational Status: First meeting in November 2008: Initiated charter review February 2009 meeting: Finalized charter and assigned working committees Career Awareness and Outreach Untapped Labor Sources Career and Skills Development Funding Strategies May 2009 meeting Reviewed CEWD Energy Competency Model and Career Cluster map to get group members “on same page” MERIC rep updated group on plans for Missouri energy competency model and coordinating effort with MEWC Reviewed additional employers, labor organizations, and other stakeholders that we need to get involved
Next meeting, July 16, 2009: Initiate gap analysis (Missouri employer workforce needs in relation to existing training and education programs) as foundational to subsequent committee activities MEWC collaborating in state responses to US DOL ARRA solicitations, which will be reviewed / endorsed at July meeting Nominating committee for officers assigned “Get into Energy – Missouri” branding activity on MEWC Review MEWC knowledge management resources set up on CEWD state consortia working area
Missouri Energy Workforce Consortium Strategic Partnerships and Impact Approach
Organizational Opportunities / Challenges: New national administration: focus on energy leading to increased awareness of energy and workforce needs; but has led to proliferation of energy groups…thus diverting attention from a coordinated approach to energy workforce development New Missouri administration: re-establishing contacts made before elections with state agency leaders and decision makers …with ARRA funding notices, timing is an issue) CEWD work on uniform curriculum guidelines for energy technologies will be very helpful in MEWC activities (nuclear uniform curriculum guidelines has been very successful model)
Reaction to Missouri Energy Workforce Consortium approach based on national CEWD model (traditional plus sustainable energy resources) has been very positive with employers, vendors, education community and other constituents