CUSP/Stop CAUTI Collaborative of Missouri Next Steps…
Where do we go from here? For CUSP: Right members on your CUSP team Finish “Science of Safety” training Finish the Staff Safety Assessment Collate results and select a defect to work on Solidify partnership with Sr. Exec. Prepare your unit for HSOPS with plan for achieving 60% response rate. Register # of staff on your unit in HSOPS Database by June 17 th (see next slide) You will receive your unit survey link June 20 th, and it will remain open until July 15 th. 2
Where do we go from here? For CAUTI: Data Collection – what needs to be collected now? CAUTI rates, by: Catheter Days Patient Days Begin planning your inservices on the care & removal interventions Use pieces of previous presentations from the Content Calls and other resources – no need to re-invent the wheel Things to consider: Daily Rounds & Tracking Appropriateness 4
Coaching Calls Monthly time our teams will have with our assigned faculty- TBD Different topics will be covered each month. Same day/time every month – let’s discuss quickly! They will begin in July. 5
Questions 6